Page 128 of Flock (The Ravenhood)

When he threw that punch at Dominic, that was his breaking point.

“Trust me and trust Dom, and no matter what happens from here on out. Don’t look for us. Don’t look for answers. I’ll find a way to work this out. I’ll find a way.”

“You’re scaring me.”

“I know. I’m sorry. You wanted to know, now you do. You wanted in. You’re in. It’s time to keep your secrets.” He grips my jaw, leaving no room for argument before his possessive lips claim mine. We both whimper into the other’s mouths as he invades—drinking, taking—his kiss going feather-soft before he pulls himself away in what feels a lot like goodbye.

Briefly, his eyes lift, shimmering with emotion. “I love you,” he whispers hoarsely before opening the door and walking out. It lingers open briefly, suspended behind him before clicking closed and detonating the bomb he just dropped.

I GOOGLED FACTS ABOUT RAVENS out of curiosity last night and wished I’d done it a lot sooner. Even with their cloak firmly in place, it would have done me a hell of a lot of good just to recognize their traits are very much like that of their mascot.

A group of ravens is called a conspiracy, the irony of that not at all lost on me.

The birds band together in adolescence to form a bond as rebellious teenagers—which I’m sure is when The Ravenhood was formed—until they finally mate out. And the theory on Ravens is that they mate for life.

The wings Layla has on her back are permanent, a branding, a branding she volunteered for. At this point, I’m too hard-pressed to believe any man in my life is sincere enough for that type of commitment, let alone capable of it.

Ravens are also some of the most intelligent birds—which isn’t surprising. Every move they’ve made regarding me was calculated, argued over. I’m sure that more than one of Dominic and Sean’s early garage fights were about me. I suspected as much, but Sean confirmed it.

Dominic and Sean have both preached to me, more than once, that knowledge is power. It’s evident now the only way to become a player in this game is to outsmart them or prove myself by having a valuable secret they aren’t privy to.

It was this morning while I sipped my coffee on my balcony that I realized both Sean and Dominic slowly, subtly, and indirectly gave some of that power to me.

It was the blinking lights that summoned the image of Dominic, tucked in his camping chair with his phone plugged up to his laptop, serving as his internet connection, that flashed through my mind.

A connection that would otherwise be impossible if…there wasn’t a fucking cell tower just a few yards away from him. Once it occurred to me, I’d dropped my coffee on the porch and raced through the house and out the door, through t

he hundred yards of grass and into the clearing of trees only to feel like the biggest fool alive.

All those times I’d been to their gathering spot, they’d taken me in the back way, making the trip seem endless, a long distance away to mask the fact that their meetup spot, was actually in my literal back yard. This ploy makes perfect sense if you’re on constant watch of your enemy, and his dumb and unassuming daughter.

I wonder why Dominic finally made the decision to let me in.

With too many questions and my position uncertain, my anger only grows.

But I allowed them to manipulate me into believing they have power over me. At some point, I have to be able to demand answers if they want my cooperation. And that’s exactly what I’m determined to get now.

With all that’s been revealed, they just expect me to stay quiet and accept it? Not happening. If I’m in on this secret, I want the details.

I’ll have to tread carefully. So carefully. I’m toeing the line now, a line so narrow, one false step could send me falling into some dark oblivion, right back into the deep end. And that’s what I’m fighting against. The dark I’ve been kept in, with too many unanswered questions. I can either become a part of the game or remain a pawn in it. The latter I refuse to indulge in a day longer.

But the thought that all of this has gone down, and I’ve been blind, so fucking blind because of my feelings and experiences over the last few months is maddening. Drunk with lust and love, I tap-danced along the devil’s tongue only to end up in his throat.

I don’t like helpless. I’m a woman who needs some level of control.

I need an out, a place to kick.

They’ve crippled me. And because of that, I’m in danger, which has me stone-cold sober and constantly looking over my shoulder.

But that’s the thing about ravens. They always seem to be watching.

Now, I’m counting on it.

Rubbing suntan lotion on my bare chest, I sink into the plush lounger… waiting. The company had delivered my request on the fly, courtesy of daddy dearest’s influence, and I’m not above using it for my current purpose.

It didn’t take long for them to set up the sound system, and it was worth every dime of three of my saved paychecks. For the last two hours, I’ve been blasting the same song, straight into the woods at the back of the property.

I want more of an explanation than what Sean gave me.