He draws his brows together. “What was what?”

“The song you sang to me. Are we hinting around to anything here?”

“I played liked seven of them on the ride over. Care to get specific?”

I cross my arms as he racks his brain, and I see the moment it dawns on him.

“It’s just a song.”

“Is that what I am? Is that what this is going to be?”

He towers over me and grips my wrist, placing my hand on his heart. “I have no idea yet, and neither do you, but I can promise you that only a quarter of how fast this is fucking beating has to do with chasing after your beautiful and crazy ass.”

“I heard you share.”

He doesn’t flinch.

“We have.”


I snatch my hand away and cross my arms. “Care to elaborate?”

“Nope. And if you heard about that, it’s not because we said a thing about it.”

“Wow, that’s some arrogance talking.”

He runs a hand through his golden strands. “It’s the truth.”

“Is that why I’m here?”

His jaw ticks. “You’re adding insult to injury by acting this way.”


“Meaning, should I be offended you think I’m a fucking sleazeball for taking part?”

I only glare as he steps forward crowding me, his eyes lit with temper.

“You have a thing for Dominic. You can deny it all you want, but I’ve seen it, I’ve felt it, and I’m not standing in the way of that, and claiming you as mine is not going to do either of us any good. The truth is, seeing it only makes me want you more. And I do get off on it, and I won’t fucking apologize for it. Just like I won’t make you apologize for your attraction to him. I told you when we first hooked up, I don’t do things in the traditional way, neither does Dominic. Giving you the choice is more of a reflection on how I respect and feel about you and what you want, and it’s much better than denying to myself that I’ve seen you eye fuck him, more than once.”

I gape at

him, completely blown away by his brutal honesty.

“Step outside that brainwashing for a few seconds and be honest with yourself. That’s all I’m asking. Just be truthful. In your heart of hearts, if you didn’t have to choose, would you?”

I’m still stunned as he leans in, invading my senses.

“I-I-I’m…I’m with you,” I stutter out, hating the fact that he’s drawn all these conclusions. His superpower of reading people and anticipating what they want has just blown up in my face. I feel nothing but guilty as he inches closer.

“God, you’re beautiful,” he drawls, “but completely mistaken if you think I want anything more from you than you are willing to give.” His finger runs from my chin to my neck. “I’m not trying to manipulate you into a goddamn thing. And today, when I picked you up, I wasn’t thinking about you sinking onto anyone else’s cock but mine and without an audience.” His flecked eyes light up. “But it makes me so fucking hard that you’re thinking about it.” He brushes my lips with his. “But the choice is always, always, up to you.”

I stand fish mouthed and utterly speechless. He curses and reads my expression. “Let’s just table this, okay? You were pure sunshine when I picked you up and the last thing I want to do with you today is argue. Let’s just try and have fun.”

I’m still stunned stupid, reeling, as he tugs on my hand and I jerk it away.

“Are you kidding me? You just told me…” I gape at him. “I thought we…would…”