“I did. And I’ll say it again. You can do this. I know you can. Don’t let him scare you away.”

“That’s it?”

He grips his biceps. “That’s it.”

“Another decision.”

He taps his nose.

“You said you wouldn’t turn into a dick. What do you call this?”

He sighs. “Then I guess I’m sorry to disappoint, but I promise I can do much, much worse.”

I can physically feel my heart start retreating. I can walk away now, and something inside thinks it would be wise. But this behavior contradicts the Sean I’ve gotten to know. I’m utterly torn as I stare at him.

“You guys are on some alternate planet.”

“It’s fun here,” he says softly, “but it’s a much better planet with you on it.”

I shake my head. “I have no idea what to think about you.”

“I’m in the same position with you. Makes things interesting, doesn’t it?”

I gape at him. “I thought we…”

“You thought what?”

My heart sinks. “God, I’m an idiot. This was a bad idea.” I move to grab my purse and he stops me, letting out a harsh breath.

“Cecelia, you’re letting shit that doesn’t need to happen, happen.”

“And you’re standing by and watching it, like, what the fuck, Sean?”

He grips my face, leans down, and kisses me. I break the kiss, pushing at him, and he chuckles.

“I want to leave. Tell Tyler to move his car.”

His eyes deaden. “Tell him yourself.”

“Fine!” I stomp through the front door and find Tyler and Dominic on the PlayStation in the living room.


“Tyler, can you move your car?”

Tyler eyes Dominic. “After this game.”

“Are you serious?”

“Yeah. Chill, babe.”

Sean’s behind me now. I feel his warmth at my back as I stand there, hovering over the two of them huddled on the couch, helpless to my situation. I glance over my shoulder at Sean, who watches me intently as my anger builds and builds. Less than an hour ago, my day was perfect. Sean and I were fine, more than fine, and then Dominic took a Mack truck to all of it. The day, my carefully planned dinner and dessert.


Boiling over, I move to the kitchen and gather the carrot cake I had frosted earlier, Sean’s favorite, and walk back to where Dominic sits and smash it into the back of his head. He shoots up from the couch as I gather more ruined cake in my hand and slap it into the side of Sean’s smiling face.

“Didn’t want to leave you without serving dessert. You all can fuck right off.”