“Forget it.” I pull on my gloves as heavy snow starts to come down. “I think we’ve concluded our tour for today.”

He glances around the sidewalk. “Well, no need to show me more, I hate this fucking place!”

“And why is that? Not enough free-range chickens?!”

His eyes flare. “You digging on the ranch now, Priss? I saw a damned rat the size of a cat on my run this morning!”

“Probably has better manners than you, shithead.”

“Pulling out the big guns now, huh? There’s that backbone. I was wondering where it went.”

“Go home, Lanc

e, you hate it here. And you obviously hate me.”

“Just the opposite. It’s impossible, and believe me, I’m trying!”

“Well, I hope you succeed! Thanks for stopping by, Mary Poppins. Best Christmas ever! Make sure to bulldoze the nativity scene on your way out!”

“Fuck this.” He throws his hands up and eyes me warily before turning and walking away.

“Merry Christmas to you, too!”



“In here, Mami.”

Blotting my face with my scarf, I hang it on the hall tree before making my way to his room. I find him shuffling through his closet. “What are you doing?”

“Looking for the perfect pajamas for dis White Christmas! I want to have one of dose nights where I’m comfortable in my pajamas and eat good soup. Ju knows, cozy. I love dose nights.”

“Where is Ricky?”

“Working. But he’s off tomorrow. Ju not going to Nana’s?”

“No, I saw her today with Lance.”

“Where is he?”

“At his hotel, I guess.”

“Oh, well, ju can join me if ju want. I’ll drink two, maybe three bottles of wine. We can watch the snow fall and plan my massive funeral. Pretend it’s like Princess Diana’s.”

“You’re the weirdest man ever.”

“I know. Now, where did I put dose damn pajamas?” He moves a pile of sweaters and glances back at me. “Oh no, have ju been crying?

“Yes. Lance and I just had the biggest fight. It started in the department store and then turned into a street brawl. He’s still pissed I broke up with him.”

He doesn’t look the least bit surprised. “Uh huh.”

“And he’s acting like a total possessive dick. Like he has any right after two years.”

“Uh huh.”

“Every time I say something about the show, about dancing, he starts getting snippy.”