Because it’s the same fucking predicament we were in two years ago.

“What are you thinking?” she asks as we cross the street from Rockefeller Center, making our way toward NBC Studios. She wanted to do a few touristy things today, so I got a full tour of the city. I’d passed on ice skating beneath the iconic tree, and she was fine with it. With her show coming up and my fight, we can’t risk any injuries. We’re both, in a sense, athletes. Instead, we drank hot chocolate and watched from the glass above, admiring the families around us as she tried to grill me about things back home. But I don’t want to dwell there, not yet. Not at all, really.

“Lance, how is Jack?”

“He’s good.”

“Uh huh. And Trevor?”

“A little shit.”

“And your mother?”

“Hanging in. I need to pick her up a present while we’re out.”

“Okay, we’ll hit a few shops on the way back.”

“Sounds good.”

She turns to me as hordes of shaky skaters circle the rink behind her. “Now, tell me how things really are.”

“Priss,” I start, and she takes the hot chocolate from my hands before I can take another sip. “I’m not done with that.”

“You are if you don’t start talking.”

“Things are good. We’re making it work.”

“That’s generic and not good enough. Tell me about home.”

“Well, there are cows and chickens. And we feed them. And when the cows get fat enough, we take them to auction.”

“Smartass,” she mumbles.

“Give me that hot chocolate.”

“Not a chance.”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

“That’s obvious.” There’s an edge to her voice. “But how can we really catch up if you aren’t being truthful?”

“Still no bullshit, eh?”

“Have I changed much?”

“Not at all,” I say with a smirk. “And neither have I, so if you don’t hand that fucking delicious hot chocolate over, I’m going to throw you over my shoulder and redden that perfect ass of yours.”

“Like that?” She beams, shimmying her perfect derrière toward me before taking a sip of my chocolate. “Mmm,” she moans, eyes widening. “Why, it is fucking delicious.”

“That’s it,” I say, charging toward her as she thrusts it at me.

“Here, you shit. I just wanted to know about the family.”

“Should come see us sometime,” I say. “Invitation’s open. See for yourself.”

“I just may do that.”

“Tony’s living there now.”