Harper: That’s kind of scary.

Lance: I’m coming to get you.

Harper: Worse.

Lance: Damn it, woman. I’ll be there in a minute.

Harper: Better. But I can still feel the aggression in your text. We need to work on you.

Lance: Did I say I missed you? I must have hit my head.

Harper: Zero points for today. You’re scoring nothing.

Lance: I have a very persuasive tongue.

Harper: Is this a bad idea?

Lance: Yes, but we should totally do it anyway.

I grin at his use of my own words against me before turning off my engine and rolling down my window. I sit in wait for mere seconds when I hear a voice sound off just as a little boy bursts through the door onto the neighboring porch.

“Mommy! I can’t be on the porch at night!”

“You will stand out there, young man, until you can talk to me with respect,” her reply sounds out as the little boy crosses his arms and glares inside.

“This house is a prison!”

“You need some new material,” she calls back.

“No, I need a new mommy who will let me do my work in peace.”

“Boy, watch yourself. I’ll extend your time. Five minutes. Think about the things you say before you spray them.”

“That’s not funny. You rhyming like that.”

“Well, I think it is.”

“Who cares what you think! I don’t.”

“Adding three minutes. You just hurt my feelings.”

“I can’t hear you from the porch. You need to come closer.”

“Sorry, I’m making your crappy mac and cheese.”

“I didn’t say it was crappy.”

“Yes, you did.”

“I said I was tired of having it!”

“It was implied.”

The little boy throws his hands up. “I didn’t say anything about flies!”

Laughing, I jerk in my car seat when Lance appears out of nowhere and takes the passenger seat next to me.

“What are you doing? I thought I was coming inside?”