“Right.” I cringe at the idea I may never feel what I felt beneath him last night in his bedroom again. Worshipped is a good description. Fresh anger surfaces when I think of how he threw me out of his room.

“He threw me out of his room. He took my virginity and threw me out of his room.”

“You are kind of in the wrong, sis, seeing as how you Snapchatted his ass to his coach.”

“He could have brainstormed with me, or at least walked me to the door.”

“Self-preservation is evil. When that kicks in, all bedside manners have a tendency to go out the window. You’re so green.”


“Meaning, you have a lot to learn about men. The good part about them screwing up is that they have to grovel to get back in your good graces. Stand your ground early.”

“Will do.”

“Okay, so here’s the plan. Until you hear Mom’s voice morph, you’re safe.”

“I know, when she goes nuts her New York accent kicks in, and she sounds like that prude mom on South Park. What, what, what!?”

Kandace giggles. “That’s dead-on, but Harper, focus. I’m going to call Mom on the house phone and gauge her mood. I’ll fake an emergency and create a distraction.”

“Uh-huh,” I’m eager for the help.

“While I’ve got them all riled up, you—”

“Harper!” My mother screams from the kitchen.

“Oh shit,” Kandace’s voice deflates. “Maybe you forgot the trash…”

“Oh my G

od! Harper Jean!”

“What in the hell?” My dad’s voice booms from the same room.

“Well there goes that theory. Babe, you’re twenty. Stand firm. He knew you wouldn’t be innocent forever.”

“Harper! Get in here, right now!”

“I took a lover,” she giggles. “You idiot.”

“Thanks,” I reply dryly as footsteps approach my door and my mother shrieks behind him.

“Ryan, Ryan, don’t go in there, don’t you dare, let me talk to her. Ryan, stop right now! You need to calm down.”

“I should thank you,” Kandace chirps. “I’ll be the good daughter for at least six months.”

“He’s coming,” I tell Kandace as my heart beats in my throat. “Bye, love you.”

“Love you,” she sighs. “Call me after.”


Just as I hang up, my door bursts open, and I meet the livid eyes of my father.


It’s been nearly a week since I’ve seen her. She’s not answering my texts and hasn’t been to the gym since that day. School started a few days ago and I’ve been frantically searching campus between classes for any sign of her.