His gravelly chuckle sounds throughout the room as I sink further into the mat, my legs over his shoulders, thighs spread wide as he goes as deep as his tongue will allow. Shaking uncontrollably, I come on his tongue, and he laps me up, a master at his craft. He’s gone down on me twice and never asked me to return the favor. I plan on reciprocating soon but have been gun shy due to lack of experience. The more he touches me, looks at me, the bolder I become. Content with a sigh, I lay back as he moves up my body and takes my mouth in a kiss, my flavor on his tongue. Deep groans erupt from his throat, his stone erection pressed against me until he pulls away, frustrated. “Harper, I want you alone,” he rasps out. “I need to get you alone.”

“We are alone,” I answer between kisses, goosebumps covering my flesh. I feel safe with him. The way he touches me, covers me, it’s all I think about lately. That and his infectious laugh, the way he strokes my skin, his tender words surprising in contrast to his rough exterior. I’m enamored, and honestly proud to have the attention of a man of this caliber. For other women, I’m sure a football star is all they see, but I see the accompanying stars that make up his constellation. Football is such a small part of who he is. Between our talks about ambition, love of family, and all they entail, I know the matter, the makeup of this man and trust it to be the truth. I feel it with his every word, his every action. It’s then I make the decision.

I separate us so I can look up at him, tracing the barbed wire tattoo around his arm with my fingers.

“I want you in my bed.” He carefully weighs my reaction. “Tomorrow night. Unless you think—”



“Right now.”

“Lance, I want, I want…”

He exhales, warm breath hitting my center, my back bowing from his mattress. We’ve been at it for what seems like hours, unable to go more than a few seconds without attacking the other.

“Now, I want you now, all of you.”

He rises to hover above me and shakes his head. “Harper, I don’t know if this is a good idea.”

“What? Why?”

“I’m not going to be the one to take it.”

“I’m not a virgin. I mean, technically, I’m not. I told you that.”

“My intentions aren’t pure for the moment. I can’t think past fucking you. And you deserve better.”

“And?” I wrap my legs tightly around him. “You had every intention of following through when you brought me here. Don’t bullshit me, Lance.”

“It’s just that I like you,” he murmurs against my mouth. “And I don’t know what happens after.”

“Sure, you do,” I say softly. “We both do.” I lean in and suck his lip. He groans as he thrusts into me fully clothed, making me gasp out his name. “I want this.”

“Harper, if we take this further, we take it further in and out of this room. I can’t guarantee I’m the best guy for you.”

“I know you are. I don’t need your assurances.”

“It should be with someone who can promise you a future.”

“Lance,” I pull back to make sure he hears me. “Please don’t be offended. But I’m not asking you for your future. I don’t need you to promise me forever or even tomorrow. When I think of my future, it has little to nothing to do with a man. I’m not planning my life around a man, now or ever. I’m a dancer, that’s what I want to be.”

His eyes do nothing to shield his surprise. “Wow.”

“Yeah, so don’t worry, I don’t need you to put a ring on it, I need you to put a condom on it. As long as we’re being honest,” I slide my shorts down along with my panties and wrap my legs around him. “I want this, right now, with you.”

“Harper,” he groans, dropping his head in my neck.

I boldly reach between us and untuck his cock from his shorts, running my thumb over the silkiness of the head.

“It’s so soft.”

He growls, ripping himself from my neck. “That’s not soft.”

“No,” I giggle, stroking him lightly. “The skin is so soft. So silky,” I rasp out.

“Great, you talk dirty too. Perfect,” he groans.