“Just something…nothing. Paranoia.”

“I can prove there are no cameras.”

“What?” I ask, still dazed. I’ve never done anything like this. Not even close. I feel free and terrified at the same time.

“I believe you,” I say, mind reeling.

“I’m not sure you do, come on,” he stands and grabs my hand. I take it as he escorts me to the office. It’s pretty basic, nothing to see.

“If there were cameras, there would be a monitoring system in here. Text Jake, he’ll tell you.”

“Okay.” I breathe a little easier.

“Did we go too fast?” He’s on edge, and I put him there.

“No. Not too fast. I just had a moment. I’m good.”

Slightly at ease, he pulls me to him and lifts my chin with his palm. “So, what do you think? I mean about doing this again? Food, conversation, fooling around?”

“Are you asking me out?”

“I’m asking for more of what we did here. No pressure.”

“I don’t know about here.”

“I still want to watch you dance.”

That comment lights me up from inside. “I can dance anywhere.”

“For me?”

“Maybe. I need to go.”

He draws his brows. “Okay.”

“I’ll see you Wednesday.”

It’s clear he’s not happy about my quick retreat, but I need council. Like now. With my sister or René. Either will do for the moment. I’m in unchartered territory. I need to pull up my big girl panties, but right now, they’re soaked, courtesy of Lance Prescott. Gathering my things, I leave him standing in the middle of the gym.


Safely inside my Toyota. I shoot off a text to my best friend René.

SOS. Call me now.

My phone rings and I answer, starting my RAV4 and putting my phone in the cradle when the Bluetooth connects.

“Mami. What is it? I have three minutes until my Uber gets here.

“I just got dry humped by a hot-ass ballplayer.”

“Tell me everyting. Is dis de guy from de gym?”

“YES!” I press my forehead to the wheel. “God, René, it was like my whole body lit on fire.”

“So hot. Did ju finish?”
