My thoughts border indecent as I study him, tempted to do very unpublic things.

“Before midnight,” he promises, keeping his stare ahead. He didn’t even have to look at me to know what I was thinking, but I guess that’s the gift of marrying your best friend.


I push the damp hair away from Clarissa’s face as she rests at my neck while I pulse once more inside her. We’ve been fucking like rabbits for the last five years and haven’t slowed down a bit. Tonight was no exception.

The minute she stepped out of the closet of our hotel room in the sparkling dress I’m running my hands over, I knew I wouldn’t make it to the casino without having her.

It’s still far too much fun to seduce her. And she’d resisted me well until I got her alone in the limo. Our marriage changed everything about what I thought marriage would be. But the truth is, I think we might be an exception to par. And really fucking lucky.

The chemistry is there, without us trying. It’s always there, every single day, without fail. Maybe it will fade eventually, as I assumed it would, but so far it hasn’t. I hold onto it because there’s really nothing in the world I love more than making love or fucking my wife, except the result of it.

The minute she sank onto me, I lost my shit driving up into her until she was calling my name. I made it last as long as I could, but she got the best of me. My emotions won out, and I got lost, the way I always do. It’s this time, after I’m spent, and I know she’s sated that I love the most. The silent moments where we feel so fucking close nothing could ever separate us. I live for moments like these. Amongst the chaos of our life, I live for this time with her.

“Mon cherie, darling, you are zee apple of my eye, the fruit of my loins, the quarter to my back. You make little Pepe sing. You know, we will spend zee rest of our lives making all the love.”

She giggles into my chest shaking her head. “Lord.”

“Have I not satisfied you? Muah, muah, muah.” I say as she laughs in my hold. “I love you, darling.”

“You’re so crazy.”

“Crazy for youuuu, always,” I drawl out in the Le Pew I’ve mastered over the years. She jerks as I tickle her sides and suddenly stills. “Oh my God, I think it ripped,” she twists to run her fingers along the hem of her dress.


“My dress. I think it’s ripped. I can feel air.”

“You’re feeling the air because it’s around your waist.”

“Baby, I need you to check.”

She lifts, pulling the dress down before she raises up in the seat of the limo bringing her sparkling ass directly in front of my nose. If I let out a laugh, I’m a dead man. Instead, I focus my fingers on her inner thigh and ride them up until she gasps.

“Yep, still no panties.”

“I’m talking about my d-dress, Troy, s-stop it.”

“No way.”

“Please just look. I know I should have gone a size up.”

I carefully inspect the dress. “No rip, and you’re not even showing.”

She turns on me, freakishly fast. “Pregnant. Again. I don’t know why I love you.”

I pull her to me, and she collapses in my lap as I push her auburn hair away from her shoulders.

“I’m sweaty and disgusting.”

“You’re fucking beautiful. So beautiful.”

She sighs, looking up at me with clear blue eyes from under her lashes.

“And I promise not to get you pregnant again.”
