“You need to get your head out of your ass, son,” Dad says. And that will be the only thing he says. He’s not much with words, and we’re alike that way.

“Lance,” Mom says, drawing my attention to her. “She’s still a baby. She’s still sorting herself out.”

“Drop it.”

“Don’t you talk to me like that, you little shit. You’re still my kid, and you’ll give me the respect I deserve.”

“Sorry.” I drop my eyes back to the books.

“She’s been working her ass off for the last ten days trying to prove herself to you, to this family, and you just can’t stop giving her hell.”

“Mom, please just stay out of it.”

“You need to give her some grace, room to grow.”

“Mom!” I say, boiling over. “It’s not your business.”

Standing from the couch, fists at her sides, her eyes narrow in the scariest of ways. My mother does something she hasn’t done in years. She…moms me.

“Lance Alexander Prescott, get your damned ass in that truck right now and go have a beer!” Laughter bursts from me as she walks over to the table and snatches the books up. “I’ve got this.”

“Mom, stop, okay? I know you all love her, but it’s just not going to work out.”

“You love her, you fool. And you’re throwing her love away, to what? Prove you don’t need anyone? Bullshit. Get up! Get up! Now!”

“Fine,” I huff, standing and making my way down the hall where she trails after me. I know my mother, she’s long-winded when she’s pissed, and it’s apparent I’m in deep shit.

“I’ve had enough of this crap. You won’t listen to anyone. You need to snap the hell out of it. You think parading around on a pedestal makes you the more mature adult? You think throwing judgment at me and your father for our past mistakes makes you a better decision-maker?”

I pull a hoodie on and gape at her. “I’m not judging you.”

“Bullshit. The way you’re talking to me,” she points to the living room, “to the man who’s given you everything,” her voice wavers, and my heart cracks right down the middle. “We’re your parents. Us. And Harper’s heart isn’t the only one you’re breaking.”

“Hey, Dad,” Trevor calls from the front door. “Got you some of the ice cream you like.”

My mother’s eyes water as she steps up to me. “I’ve never been so proud in my life as I have of you boys in the last year, but no matter what happens, Lance, no matter what happens to this damned ranch, we have each other. And I won’t lose you to this. So, keep it up, I’ll sell this damned thing out from under you.”

“What?” I can’t believe what I’m hearing. Anger simmers low as she faces me head-on. “You heard right. Your father and I have been discussing it. We’re thinking about selling.”


“Because it’s not worth losing our son!” She cries out hoarsely.

“What’s going on?” Trevor enters the room and looks between the both of us.

“Tell him,” I demand as my mother’s tears fall. “Tell him what you just told me.”

“Trevor, give your brother and I some privacy.”

“No, tell him you’re thinking about selling his birthright because his brother is fucking it all up!”

“That’s not what I said.”

“Is that true?” Trevor looks between us for answers, and I give a gruff nod. I can feel his heart breaking from feet away.

“Don’t you dare, Mom,” Trevor pleads with her. “We’ve been working day and night. Haven’t we, Lance?” He looks to me helplessly, and I feel the failure down to the center of me.

“I won’t let you lose yourself the way your father did,” Mom whispers, her eyes on mine. “I won’t let it drag you down anymore. You deserve the life you choose.”