I give him a wink. “Hiya, handsome.”

Lance grumbles and places his mouthguard in. The barn goes eerily silent as Lance’s background music dies down. “I’m on it,” Trevor says as he and Lance exchange a look.

“No music,” Tony says.

Lance shakes his head in protest.

“Tough shit,” Tony retorts, “you don’t get your crutch, and we’re going all rounds today.”

Lance looks surprised. “I’ve been at it half the day.”

“That’s the point. It’s time to mix it up.”

Nick steps inside the ring and looks around. “Nice se

tup, man.”

“Thanks,” Lance grunts, seeming unimpressed with the whole situation.

“That yours too?” He nods over to where I sit. I wait with bated breath as Lance’s eyes roam over to me. My heart is beating in my throat. I know what answer I want him to give, what I desperately want to hear, but know he won’t give it to me. In his heart right now, he doesn’t believe it to be true. But it doesn’t affect the sting of his answer.


“She’s mine, actually,” Trevor says easily.

Nick chuckles. “Sure, kid.”

“You can suck this kid’s nuts,” Trevor quips.

“Easy, killer,” Tony chuckles.

“Give me a few to warm up,” Nick says, walking to his corner.

“Sure,” Lance says, his eyes finding mine.

“Tony,” I say, keeping my eyes locked with Lance. “Would you have a beer with me after dinner?”


“Nick, how about you? Would you like to join us? I looked up this bar down the road a few miles. I want to shoot some pool.”

Nick eyes Tony and nods. “Sure.”

“You’re going to the Rust Hole?” Trevor says with a sour look on his face.

“Sorry, buddy,” I say. “I’ve been working my ass off. I need to blow off steam.”

Lance taps his gloves together, soaking in every word. I know I’m walking a dangerous line, but I can’t help but fixate on his answer to Nick. I’m at my limit. I love him, and I know he loves me. But if he won’t even admit to a stranger who I belong to, how in the hell will we ever get out of this mess together?

I’ll stand my ground, but I can only stand so much punishment.

Air thick with tension, Tony orders at Rip to take Nick’s corner while Trevor stays back with Lance. The guys face off in the center of the ring as Tony gives them a rundown. And with the ring of the imaginary bell, hell unleashes.

I’m on my feet as Lance throws a combination, dazing Nick on the ropes. Nick shakes back to in enough time to dodge what I’m sure would have been a knockout blow. Lance is wholly concentrated on the fight, channeling his fury into his fists as Nick rises to the challenge, landing one blow after another. Tony had told us at the kitchen table last night that Nick was going pro in a few months. Lance finally has a worthy sparring partner and in the last six rounds of boxing, he’s proven himself, but I can see the fatigue growing in his steps, in his throws. Lance’s stamina is obliterating his defense, every punch he throws wearing him down. It’s a fair fight, but I can physically feel the air change when Jack steps into the barn ringside. Lance throws one combo after another, swiping Nick’s headgear askew.

“Round,” Tony yells as both men exhale, retreating to their corners. Nick’s eye is swelling as Lance swishes and spits a mouthful of blood.

Trevor’s whispers carry slightly as he encourages his brother. I’m on the edge of my senses, admittedly and ridiculously turned on at the display of testosterone. Both men are in insanely good physical condition, and I’m having a horrible time keeping my head in the fight, instead of in my overactive sexual imagination. I think of the first time Lance made me come, the intensity in his eyes, the way his lips felt, the feel of him on top of me. And later, when he pressed into me for the first time, the burn, the ache I felt for him after. The ache I feel now just watching him.