“There are no bulls in here.”

“Says you.”

I roll my eyes. “Make yourself useful and hand me that tag.”

She lifts on her toes and manages to get it in my hands.

“You want to tell me what you were doing this morning?”

“Cow shit ballet. It’s something I’m testing out for the future. What did you think?”

“You know there was a cleaner pasture, not a hundred yards over.”

“Yeah, but I like the cows. They’re chill creatures. What are you going to name this one?”

“I don’t name hamburger meat.”

“Okay, okay,” she shakes her hands at me. “Well I’ll name her. Channah-nan-na-nan.”

I pause, peering over at her. “Any specific reason why?”

“Seems like as good of a name as any. You like it?”

“Not particularly.”

“Seems to be good meat.”

I lift a brow. “You have something you want to ask me?”

“Nope,” she pops her glossed lips and leans in. “But your ass looks amazing perched on that fence.”

I hang my head. “Harper.”

“What?” She drawls out. “I’ve been invited on an expedition, a date, you’ll have to save all that negativity for later.”

“A date? With who?”

“With me,” Trevor says, sauntering up and handing Harper a loaded rifle. “We’re going to catch that ‘yote.”

“The hell you are.”

“You know I know what I’m doing,” Trevor says, indignant.

I kick back on the fence. “This girl couldn’t shoot to save her life.”

“I resemble that remark, fully.” She turns to Trevor. “Really, I do, I was raised in a tutu.” I can’t help my smirk. “But I’m also a Texas woman, educated in football, nursed with beer and other manly shit, so, have some faith, Lance. I’ll kill your cow eater.”


She wrinkles her nose. “This isn’t up for debate.” She checks the chamber of the gun. “I know the basics.”

“And I’m saying, no, fuck no, and no way.” I glare at my brother, making my way down the fence. “Your crush is cute, but you don’t hand a lady a gun when she doesn’t know how to use it.”

“Back off, dick, I know enough for the both of us.”

“No, and no,” I say to each of them individually in an attempt to make my point.

Harper lifts her rifle. “You’re outnumbered. That concludes this debate.”