“There’s no way you can know that.”

“Test me. I heard the coyotes last night. It’s my body betraying me, not my eagle eyes.”

“Motherfucker.” I know he’s right. He’s been doing this longer than I’ve been alive.

“You’ll find ‘em. You always do.”

“I don’t need this today. We have a delivery at three.”

“Better make good time then.”

“Yes, sir.”

Dad never minces words when it comes to the ranch, so when he smiles, I follow his line of sight to see Harper…dancing in the middle of the pasture.

“What the hell?” I say, stepping toward the window to see Harper doing a fucking ballet in the middle of the herd. She’s prancing around like she’s in a field of lilies. I scrub my hand down my face. “She’s insane.”

“She’s a hoot. That’s for sure. She’s been at it for the better part of an hour. I’m willing to bet she’s covered from the knees down in cow shit.” He chuckles, and I can tell he’s smitten with her. Another one down. I roll my eyes and sip my freshly poured coffee.

Dad keeps his eyes trained on Harper. “She’s good for you.”

“She’s young.”

“Your mother was younger.”

“It doesn’t work anymore the way it used to. She doesn’t fit in this life.”

“She seems to be doing a good job.” He looks up to me. “Go talk to her, I swear she just carried a conversation on with one of them.”

“I’ve got shit to do.”

“Talk to her.”

“Like you have all the answers.”

Dad lets out a harsh breath. “Son, I know I messed up—”

“Is that what you want to call it?” He looks over to me with guilty features. “Forget it.” I scrub my hand down my face. “I have work to do.”

“Does that hurt?” Harper’s voice sounds out as I tag the cow.

“A lot less than making it a steak.”

“Jesus, Lance.”

“Just another reason you wouldn’t make it out here. Too much empathy for dinner.”

“I’m making it just fine, thank you. I got my coveralls today. Amazon Prime. Gotta love it. They deliver everywhere.”

Straddling the fence, I glance down to see her in faded pink coveralls, her hair in braids. She looks fucking adorable and gives me a wink when my gaze lingers on her a bit too long.

“Don’t you have something to do?”

“I’m doing it.”

“What’s that exactly?”

“Observing the angry bull in its environment.”