I nod just as Harper walks up, in jeans and a hoodie, perching herself on the fence.

“Hey, guys, how’s it going today?”

Tony smiles at her. “Hey, going good. I’m going to head in. See you ringside in thirty?”

“Wouldn’t miss it.”

Lifting the tire, I push it over effortlessly, my irritation at her arrival, giving me a burst of energy.

“I was hoping we could talk sometime today.”

“Busy at the moment,” I say, lifting the monster tire in an attempt to tip it.

Commotion stirs up behind her, and she glances back at the herd.

“Why are they locked up today?”

“We’ve got a few heifers in heat.”

“Ah,” she says, turning back to me and lifting a brow. “Bow chica wow wow.”

I shake my head, fighting my grin. “Harper, I’m busy.”

“I can see that, but last time I checked, you didn’t need to have your arms to waggle your tongue.”

“What?” I challenge, turning the tire over again.

“I just wanted to see if maybe you would take me out of here. You know, go somewhere. Get dinner or a beer.”

“Bored already?”

“No,” she says adamantly. “Not at all. I’m still sore from yesterday.”

She’s been doing more than her fair share, and guilt riddles me that I let her.

“You don’t have to help.”

“Well, I consider it paying for room and board.”

I put my gloved hands on my hips. “And just how long do you plan on staying?”

“Until you can look me in the eye and m

ean what you say.”

Grunting, I lift the tire. “Don’t you have an apartment to pay for?”

“Don’t worry your head about me. I’m just fine, right where I am.”

Right at that moment, one of our herd decides to taste her cheek, and she jumps off the fence, screaming bloody murder. “Jesus, buy a girl dinner first, bleh,” she says as I wipe my hand down my jaw, trying to hide my laugh. She glares at the cow and shoos her away, resuming her seat on the wood post, swinging her mile-long legs.

“Come on, Lance. One beer? It will do you good to get out, have a little fun.”

“I don’t need to have fun. I need to concentrate, and you’re fucking that part up nicely.”

“I’m just trying to help.”

“You know how to help,” I snap. “You just can’t believe it’s the truth.”