
“Lance,” the barista bellows out as she sits my coffee at the end of the counter.

I pick it up and take a sip. “Thank you, Laney.”

“Put an extra shot in for you today.”

“Appreciate it.”

“Anytime,” she drawls out, “you’re one of the few I like around here cause you always leave a tip.” She lifts an expectant brow and gestures towards the half-empty jar sitting on the counter. I chuckle, emptying my pockets before stuffing a few dollars into it. She’s a cute, petite, doe-eyed brunette, with an adorable accent and feisty attitude, but I refuse to shit where I’ve eaten seven mornings a week for the last year. And she’s got one hell of a ‘don’t eff with me’ vibe going on.

The coffee shop is close to campus, and lately, I’ve had to bide my time here after practice until gym time in an attempt to save what little Uber money I have. I didn’t plan to sell my truck when I rented a room fifteen minutes from campus. The decision so far has been a hard pill to swallow. Between the safety of the coffee shop and snagging rides where I can, I may make it to the end of the season without landing myself into more debt. Another reason I don’t mind frequenting the shop is the girl sitting on the torn-up pleather couch flipping through her tablet while pretending to ignore my presence. In all honesty, it’s the insanely toned, mile-long legs that draw me in as I make my way towards her.

“Morning, Priss.”

“Jolly Green Giant,” she says without glancing up.

I’m chuckling as I take my favorite seat opposite her. “What are you reading?”

“I’m not, I’m watching a video,” she says, turning the screen my way so I can get a look. “Couldn’t get into a book so I’m studying a new routine.”

Stretching out on the overused chair, I sip my coffee. “Not listening to the music?”

“This thing is so ancient the sound goes in and out.”


“Uh hmmm…staring is rude.”

“I’m having a hard time believing you’re shy.”

She shrugs. “I’m not shy.”

“You hardly ever look at me when you speak to me.”

She rolls her eyes before lifting them to meet mine.


“Careful, that coffee may stunt the growth of your ego.”

“I can’t help you’re good for it. Though I’m taking it, you’re not a morning person?”


“Shame,” I stretch my legs out on the ottoman in front of me. “I’m a wake up with the birds, hit the gym, sunny side up type of guy.”

“Opposite. I’m a wake up, throw my alarm clock, curse the breath of life, and stomp around with my eyes closed until I hit water type of gal.” She smirks down at her tablet, and I chuckle.

“So, what are you doing here?” I look around the mostly empty shop. “School hasn’t started yet, why are you hanging out so close to campus already?”

“Creature of habit. This is where I get my cram sessions in. And I still live at home, so this place is my getaway.”

“I’ve never seen you here before.”

Her eyes dull. “You’ve never noticed me here before.”

“Don’t take offense, Priss. I keep mostly to myself.”