“We’re leaving in the morning. We have to get back, or we’ll lose Parker.”

She smiles. “Can’t have that.” She looks around skeptically. “I just don’t think I’m a gambler.”

“Then we won’t do anything risky.” I pull out my wallet and slide a hundred at the dispensary window attendant in exchange for some chips.

“That’s a hundred dollars.”

My wife still does our grocery shopping, she still buys our kids clothes at TJ Maxx. She’s frugal with our millions, and the irony is she brings home enough salary to support us all. I love that she’s a cheap millionaire. I love that she’s fretting over a hundred dollars.

“One bet,” I tell her, handing her the chips.

“Just one?”

“Yes.” I scan the room. “Over here. Roulette.” I guide her to the table. “Red or black. Easy choice.”

“What do you think?”

I tug a strand of her hair. “My bet will always be on red.”

“God, you’re awfully romantic tonight.”

“Just wait until I get you alone again. That dress is a one and done. I’m going to make sure that fucker rips.”

“Damn,” she whispers, squeezing my hand as we side up to the roulette table.

“Okay,” she chews her lip, “let’s bet on Dante’s birthday.”

“Sounds good.”

“Five on red?” She looks at me for guidance, and I nod before she places the chip on the table. In seconds, we lose a hundred dollars. I laugh as she curses under her breath. “I don’t see how people do this. That used to be a fortune to me.”

“Me too.”

“Still is,” she says as we step onto the escalator.

“I love that about you.”

She stares down at me, perched on the mechanical steps, and we share a look that says it all. Neither of us thought this life would be ours. I take her hand and kiss it. “I know.”

By the time we make it to our seats, the arena is mostly full. Theo and Laney are there to greet us.

“Hey, man. Can you believe this shit?” Theo and I do the man hug.

“He deserves it,” I say honestly.

“No argument there,” he says, looking around the packed arena.

Since we’ve graduated, Theo and I did little to keep in touch, but when Lance became a premier fighter, I decided to gift him with his own anthem and knew just the right maestro. Since then, he and Laney have come to a few of my games and even stayed at the house a couple times. Our new dynamic completely different than years before. He doesn’t even blink when I hug his wife in greeting.

“Another one!?” Laney says to Clarissa with one hand on her belly and another wrapped around her in a hug. “You look beautiful.”

“I feel ridiculous. This is a hoochie dress.”

“You look hot,” she insists.

“I agree,” I add, looking her over with the lust I feel. “So fucking hot.”

“Me too,” Theo says, the next in line to hug Clarissa. We take our seats, and I scan the crowded room.