I look back to Tony, and he grabs my stick and lays it on the table. “Go on, I’ll tab us out.”


Tony makes his way toward the bar as I look back over to Lance. I physically feel his flinch when his name is called from across the bar.

“Prescott, that you?” I hear a guy call out from a booth across the way. He stands, and that’s when I see the brunette at his side, her eyes trained on Lance like she can’t tear them away.


On instinct, I know she still wants him. It’s written all over her face. I wonder if the same desperation laces mine. Fighting the sting of jealousy, my stomach drops as the man draws near, a sinister grin on his face.

“Thought that was you,” he says, sidling up to Lance. I can feel the air thicken around us as Channah pulls at his arm.

“Mark, you promised.”

“And who do we have here?” he says, ignoring her and looking me over.

“Mark,” Channah begs, “Please don’t.”

“Don’t what?” His eyes cut back to her as she pulls at his bicep. He’s attractive, but dressed business casual, and looks out of place in the bar. “Just making friendly conversation.” He shrugs. “Haven’t seen this guy around lately, have we?”

Her eyes dart away, a sure sign of guilt. I feel like I just walked into a wall as I realize my assumption was right.

“Gotta pay our respects to our hometown hero, our football star, don’t we? Oh, that’s right,” he clamps a hand on Lance’s shoulder, “you didn’t get drafted. Damned shame, probably why you’re back home crying in your beer.”

“We’re leaving,” Lance says, grabbing my arm possessively. I glance back over my shoulder to look at Channah, whose eyes are trailing Lance. Following him out of the bar, I study him. His face is impassive.

“You want to tell me what that was about?”

“It’s history.”

“Yeah, well, history has a way of repeating itself, doesn’t it?”

“Not this time.” He turns to face me once we’ve cornered the bar, his eyes granite. “Harper, leave. I’

m not asking anymore. I’m telling.”

He might as well have slapped me. “What?”

“We’re done. I don’t want you here. You’ve already cost me too much. I’m done with this. Us. Leave.”

I feel like I’m having an out of body experience. He can’t be saying these words to me. And meaning them.

“You really want that?” If I thought he was impenetrable before, it’s nothing compared to the arctic indifference he’s showing now. It’s as if I’m some groupie gnat he can’t seem to bat away.

“My mother’s going to sell the ranch if I don’t get my shit together, and I don’t have time to play patty cake with you anymore.” Heat climbs up my neck as I try to grapple with the weight of his words.

“I’m going back inside.”

He grips my wrist to stop me. “I mean it, Harper.” I cut my eyes to his.

“Enough. You’re scared. You’re afraid things won’t pan out this time. You’re terrified of what’s around the corner, and I can understand this more than you will ever know. You’re afraid I’ll hurt you again. Well I’m fucking scared too, but Lance, this is just life trying to put us at odds again. These are our circumstances now. Not forever. We can deal with this together. If you would just let me in.”

“You aren’t what I need.”

“That’s a lie. Jesus, and if she’s threatening to sell the ranch, it’s because you’ve turned into a raging dick void of personality. You don’t get to pin this on me. This is your fear talking. I’m not going anywhere. I’m not here to hurt you.”

“I don’t want you anymore!” His voice booms, humiliating me, and I flinch on impact. I barely recognize my own voice when I counter.