“This could have…” I shake my head, unable to say the words.

“He’s okay. Look at him. He’s okay.”

I tear my eyes away from Troy. “You need to leave.”

“Clarissa, it’s not mine.”

I try to control the heat of my voice as Dante shakes in my arms. “Troy, you need to go home.”

“He’s okay. Look at him, Clarissa, he’s okay.” He moves toward us, and I jerk my head, livid.


“Don’t. Please don’t do this. It’s not mine.”

I grip Dante to me, smoothing his hair as he sobs into my chest. “Just go.” Emotion fills his eyes, his features twisting as he studies his son, who’s wrapped around me, breath hitching, and body shaking from his cries.

“Dante, I’m sorry I scared you,” Troy whispers hoarsely. “I’m so sorry, bud.”

Unable to handle all that I’m feeling, I burst into tears, turning my back on Troy before I make my way into the bedroom and shut the door.


Troy: Please talk to me. It’s not mine. I would never be that reckless.

Clarissa: Whatever it takes. Isn’t that what you told me?

Troy: That’s not me, and you know it. I’m coming over.

Clarissa: Don’t. I mean it, Troy. Don’t make a scene. I just got him calm. How am I supposed to explain this to him?

Troy: I will, if you let me.

Clarissa: I can’t handle this right now. I don’t know what to think.

Troy: You know me. This isn’t me. I don’t want to leave things like this. Please talk to me.

I dial her number and get voicemail.

“Jesus, fuck!” I hurl my phone at the wall and rip at my hair.

Her reaction was knee-jerk. I know it. I can’t for one second tell her she’s overreacting, because I get it. I felt every ounce of her fear. I felt the same terror when I saw him holding that needle. But this woman knows me, she knows my heart, she knows me. I have to believe that when her anger subsides, she won’t think the worst. But I’m out of time.


Lance knocks on my door. “Hey, man, you good?”

“Do I fucking look good?”

“What’s going on?”

“Dante found some juice and a needle in my truck, and Clarissa thinks it’s mine.”

“You don’t juice.”

“I know that, but she’s too pissed off to see the light of day. I need to leave, like now, for Combine. She won’t even talk to me. It’s all fucked.”

Lance crosses his arms. “She’s just freaking out. She’ll calm down.”