“Are you talking to me?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Well, I’m here to see Troy.”

“Troy? He’s over here.”

“Clarissa, wait,” I say just as she steps out onto the porch.

By the time I join them, I’m too late, Pamela Jenner is eye level with her grandson.

Sally’s Chicken & Dumplings

RN, North Dakota

Makes 8 servings

45 minutes

4 Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts

2 Tbsps Butter

2 Cans Cream of Chicken Soup

1 Box Chicken Stock or 2 Cans Chicken Broth

1 Onion – finely chopped

2 10 oz. Cans Flaky Biscuits – each cut into sixths

In a crockpot, mix together the chicken, butter, soup and onion. Cook covered for 5 to 6 hours on low.

Once cooked, remove and shred the chicken. Return the chicken to the crockpot and stir well.

Add the biscuit pieces to the chicken and cook for an additional 30 to 45 minutes until the dough is cooked through.

This is a simple and easy dish and is great with a salad or fresh vegetables.


Two things are evident within seconds of laying eyes on this woman. One is that genes run strong in the Jenner family. Two is that she knows without a doubt she’s looking at her grandchild. Dish in her hands, she kneels down in front of Dante.

“I’m Pamela. Troy’s mama. What’s your name?”


Pamela swallows. “What’s your last name?” There’s a rattle in her voice, and I can feel the swell of emotions rolling off her.

“Arden. Dante Arden.”

Pamela’s eyes lift to meet Troy’s, and I can clearly see the panic on his face.

“Mom, what are you doing here?”


bsp; “What am I doing…” she’s completely baffled by his question as the casserole dish shakes in her hands, “I brought you butterscotch pudding, but you live next door. You’re parked next door.”