Dante’s eyes bulge in my rearview. “I’m not prepared for that, Troy.”

I crack up as I park in my driveway and open the back door as he unbuckles from his booster.

“Okay, remember what we talked about?”

“Yep,” he squeaks as I lift him from the backseat. We’re halfway across the yard when a song I don’t recognize begins to drift out of the house. Eyes wide, Dante immediately starts wiggling out of my hold.

“It’s me & Mommy’s favorite song! Let me down!” Dante takes off like a shot as gentle drums, bass, and guitar filter through the air. “I’m coming, Mommy!” He declares, bounding up the steps.

Hot on his heels with our bags in both arms, I step inside the door behind him, seeing Clarissa standing in the middle of the living room. She looks over to me with a shy smile mouthing “hi,” just as Dante leaps into her arms. Dante grabs her face with his hands stealing her attention as they begin to sing.

“Cupid, draw back your bow, and let your arrow gooo, straight to my lover’s heart for meeee,” Dante belts offkey as a smile lights up Clarissa’s face and she sings along, dancing with him wrapped firmly around her as if they’ve been doing it for years. And it’s so obvious they have. The light in his mother’s eyes is unforgettable as she sings with him, swaying while he giggles with every exaggerated bounce of her hips.

And me? I’m so fucking gone, lost in the sight of them both.

It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, and my throat goes dry while I memorize every second of it. They’re completely in sync, as they lift hands in the air at the same time, imploring Cupid while singing their hearts out. My own heart expands unbearably in my chest when they rub noses as the song drifts to a close. Clarissa’s eyes catch mine over her son’s shoulder, and we just…stare. I have no idea what she sees, but I’m pretty sure if it’s anything like what I’m feeling, it’s heavy. She beams at me before she breaks the connection, gazing down at Dante.

“Did you have fun?”

“It was the best time I’ve ever had!”

“Really? That’s great. What did you two do?”

“I can’t tell you anything, sorry, man stuff.” Dante turns to me and winks both eyes.

I can’t help my chuckle. “That’s right, man stuff.”

Clarissa looks between us. “Man stuff, huh? Well, all right, go unload your pack and put all your dirty clothes in the hamper.

“Yes, ma’am.”

I’m thankful for the music playing in the background because the minute Dante disappears, I’m at a loss for words. All I can do is think about the way she kissed me back. It was more than a kiss, it was a declaration on my part, and I made damn sure she knew it.

I let impulse win yesterday, unable to handle another second without touching her, tasting her, showing her just how much I want her. And I can’t for one fucking second bring myself to regret it. Duffle still on my shoulder, I stuff my hands into my jeans. “So that’s your favorite song, huh?”

“Yeah,” she says, crossing her arms over her chest. Her hair is curled, and she’s in a sweater dress, nails freshly painted, and the house is immaculate.

“You look beautiful.”

“Yeah, thanks, I gave myself a little TLC.”

“It shows. Smells good in here.”

“I’ve been baking.”


“I think Theo has company. You might want to wait a bit before returning home.”

“Oh yeah?” I chuckle. “Good for him.”

“Are you hungry?”


“Stay for dinner?”

“That’d be great.”