She nods and I resist the urge to brush the hair from her shoulder. “Let me take this one. Why don’t you call Parker, go out, and get some TLC? Have some wine. I’ve got him.”

“Yeah, that sounds…I could use that. You sure?”


“Thank you. I’ll, I’m…God, I’m a mess.”

“You’re beautiful,” I whisper, unable to help myself as I push a dark red lock away from her shoulder. Imploring blue eyes stare up at me before I make a quick exit out of her room, fists clenching. It’s then I know, it doesn’t matter that my mind is determined to quit her, my heart will never catch up.

Kayla’s Southern Style Potato Salad

Property Manager, Texas

Makes 8 servings

45 minutes

4 Lbs. Red Potatoes – scrubbed & cut into bite-size pieces

4 Large Eggs

1 1/4 Cups Mayonnaise

1/2 Cup Finely Chopped Green Onion Tops

1 3/4 Tsp. Salt

1/2 Tsp. Celery Seeds

Boil potatoes with skin on until tender but not too soft. Drain and set aside to cool.

Boil eggs for 12 minutes after water comes to a boil. Peel and let cool. Cut into bite-size pieces.

In a large bowl, mix mayonnaise, salt, celery seeds and onion until thoroughly mixed. Add potatoes and eggs. Mix gently until blended.

Serve at room temperature for up to 2 hours after making. Refrigerate leftovers.

It tastes best when served at room temperature but is delicious cold, too.


Parker and I spend the day getting our nails done and opening a few bottles of wine. Parker simply listens and nods. The best type of friend can linger in the dark with you awhile without trying to shed light. So, instead of trying to point out an upside or spout off some words of encouragement, she simply held my hand and dwelled there with me. And I felt better for it. Nothing resolved, but with a polished set of nails and slight wine buzz, I walk through my front door to see the living room empty.

It’s a little after eight. I assume Dante’s halfway through his book with Troy and make my way toward his bedroom. Just as I’m about to open his door, I’m stopped short by the conversation on the other side.

“—Sometimes, women need men to be strong, so they aren’t so scared themselves. But if you find one you really care about, you can tell them what you’re afraid of, and they’ll have your back too.”

“Do you have Mommy’s back?”

“Yep and yours until I take my last breath. That’s a promise.”

“Then Mommy and me have your back, Troy. We promise too.”

“Good to know, bud.”

“Hey, Troy?”
