Ruth’s Beef Brisket

Bank teller, South Carolina

Makes 8 servings

2 hours and 30 minutes

3 Lb. Boneless Beef Brisket – Well Trimmed

1/4 Cup Liquid Smoke

1 Tsp. Onion Salt

1 Tsp. Garlic Salt

Salt to Taste

Smoky Sauce (combine all ingredients and simmer 5 minutes):

1 Tbsp. Liquid Smoke

1/2 Cup Ketchup

1 1/2 Tbsp. Brown Sugar

1 1/2 Tsp. Dry Mustard

1/4 Cup Water

3 Tbsp. Melted Butter

1 Tsp. Celery Seeds

Dash of Pepper

2 Tbsp. Worcestershire Sauce

Sprinkle brisket with regular salt and place on a large piece of aluminum foil. Set in a shallow pan and pour liquid smoke over meat. Seal foil and refrigerate overnight. Remove brisket from refrigerator. Sprinkle with onion salt and garlic salt. Reseal foil.

Bake at 300 degrees for 2 hours. Slice thin. Serve with Smoky Sauce.


“Mommy wake up! It snowed, and we have to see if Santa came!” Dante exclaims jumping into my bed in the Michigan J. Frog pajamas and matching slippers Troy bought him to wear last night. I groan as he bounces around me with boundless energy. Eyeing the clock, I see I’ve only had a mere hour of sleep.

For me, Santa most definitely came, and delivered. Troy and I spent the rest of the night on my couch, making out like a couple of teenagers, and even with the lack of sleep, I feel as if I’m floating on air, my feet haven’t touched the ground since he lifted me from the freezing lawn. Dante jumps into my bed, ready with his demands.

“Hurry up! Hurry up!”

I pull him to me from where I lay and squeeze. “Merry Christmas, Peanut. Just let me brush my teeth.”

“Gah, hurry, please!”

“Morning, bud,” Troy pokes his head into my bedroom and Dante turns to interrogate him.

“Did you see? Did Santa come?”

“I think he might have.”