Laney: Why?

Theo: I’m just going to table this discussion for now.

Laney: Whatever. (eye roll emoji) I know I have abundant cleavage.

Theo: What are you doing right now?

Laney: Binge watching this old reality show called Rock of Love.

Theo: What’s it about?

Laney: This old lead singer from an eighties hair band called Poison and the twenty women competing for his, ahem, heart. Ironically, I’ve been trying to figure out all day if he’s wearing a wig.

Theo: Why don’t you just Google and find out?

Laney: Because it’s a train wreck and far more entertaining to guess.

Theo: How long are you contagious?

Laney: A few more days. Have you had chicken pox yet?

Theo: My mom hasn’t texted back yet to let me know. Sorry. I have a game coming up, and I don’t want to chance it.

Laney: Shit, I guess this cheese will have to itch alone.

Theo: And on Halloween (sad emoji)

Laney: I know. SUCKS! I can’t watch scary movies alone in this house, I’ll be terrified, and Max will have nightmares. No candy corn for me either. #livingmysuckiestlife

Theo: Sorry. But if it makes you feel better, I’ll watch with you.

Laney: You don’t have to.

Theo: QT. What episode?

Laney: Start on one. I’ll re-watch.

Five minutes later…

Theo: Definitely a wig.

Laney: I know. Poor guy. Can you imagine being known as the leader of a hair band and losing all your hair? Ouch life, ouch.

Ten minutes later…

Theo: These women are idiots.

Laney: Some of them, yes. Some were doing it to further their careers.

Theo: As what?

Laney: TV personalities. Plus, this is the result of pure marketing genius. Watch how they spin nothing into something. How they pause for effect. I might have a midlife rocker to PR for one day. This is good research.

Theo: You want me to believe we’re watching this shit to better your education?

Laney: Work with me.

Twenty minutes later…