The same throaty chuckle sounds again when I dip my hips a little in celebration and grab the offered two Solo cups full of foam. Goosebumps rise on my neck as I look over my shoulder and behind me stands…Batman, in the most realistic party costume imaginable. He looks like he stepped straight off the set of the movie. And front and center of that bat mask shines sparkling blue eyes. Beneath the perfect rubber nose, thick lips.

“Nope,” I say, sidestepping him.

“Nope?” He repeats, eyes widening. “Hey, I know you.”

“No, you don’t,” I say, scrambling for my senses.

He stops me with a hand on my arm. “And now I know you remember me.”

“Wrong again. Haven’t been spelunking lately.”

“I’ve been thinking about you.”

“You should stop that.”

He chuckles. “Who are you here with?”

“A date.”

“Tired of him yet?”

“It’s a she for the moment.” FUCK YOU ALL TO HELL, GINA!

“Even better.”

I lift my nose in an attempt to keep my glasses from sliding off as he lifts a gloved finger to help me, slowly pushing them back in place. In thanks, I give him the hairy eyeball. “Of course, you would say that.”

“I just meant, I’m glad it’s not a guy.”

“Well, I’m here with one of those too.”

Take that, Gina!

“At least let me get your number.”

I scour his costume, it’s incredible. No man has ever looked better in thick gray tights. The bulge between those two muscular thighs is enough to make my mouth water. The Lort is testing me in a big, big, bat way.

I look up to the sky. “Why? I’ve been so good. I’ve been going to church. I only showed up tipsy that one time.”

A deep chuckle sounds out, drawing my attention back to my nemesis.

“Maybe it’s His intention we get together.”

“Don’t use the Lort as an excuse for your agenda.”

“I would love to take you out.”

“Yeah,” I say, lifting a beer and draining half of it, eyebrow cocked before I let out a harsh exhale. “And show me a good time?”


“Best fifteen minutes of my life?”

“Ah,” he says, his bat cape catching in the wind as he extends to his full height, chest out, voice gravelly when he speaks. “I have a much better hang time than that, I promise. But I was thinking of something more along the lines

of dinner and a movie. A proper date.”

Gina bursts to the front of the line, waving a white flag.