Theo runs inside as a group of guys huddled on his porch greet him, and he gives them a quick wave. Curiosity gets the best of me and nature calls, so I decide to kill two birds. It’s more a gathering than a party, and I can see why we wouldn’t want to be a part of it. I’ve seen more ass cheeks in the last fifteen seconds than I did changing diapers at my first job. It’s a grinder, and I feel like I’m walking into an episode of Rock of Love. This gathering is a no holds barred, titty festival fight for the biggest meat stick.

I’m so over it already.

Halfway to the house, I’m stopped by a familiar voice.

“You again. Where did you come from and where the hell have you been my whole life?” I look up to see Batman surrounded by a few Robins as he pumps a keg. “Sorry,” I shake my head at his tired line and move toward the porch.

“No way, you’re not getting away from me again.”

“Look, you get points for persistence, but sorry to tell you, Romeo, it’s never going to happen.”

He moves to block me from the porch, his back to his friends. He shoves his hands in his jeans, his bulky frame imposing, his T-shirt strangling his biceps.

And I feel nothing but…annoyance.

“Listen. I’ve been chasing you for months. When are you going to finally give me a chance? There’s something here,” he says, dipping his head low to catch my eyes. “I know you feel it too.”

I consider him, admire him briefly, and realize what a blessing it is to know the difference between attraction and true chemistry and the blessed f

act that I now know better. Six months ago, I would’ve easily fallen into this trap. And it took one good man to change everything.

“You do feel it,” he says with a smirk. It’s then I realize I haven’t replied, and I’m sending out the wrong signals.

“Maybe yo—”

“Maybe?” That voice doesn’t belong to him. It belongs to the man standing to the right of us. “Did you just fucking say maybe?”

Theo’s livid eyes meet mine and then shoot over to Batman. He reads our posture before we take a step away from each other, but it’s too late. He saw intimacy, familiarity. He saw me linger too long. His eyes blaze over me and then shoot back to him.

“You’ve been chasing her for months?”

Batman shakes his head. “No, man, it’s not like that.”

“What’s it like?” Theo spits menacingly. “Please, Troy, tell me what the fuck it’s like. Because I really need to know.”

Troy? Batman is Troy?!

Dread cloaks me while bile climbs up my throat.

“Oh shit.” One of the guys says as Theo steps directly in front of Troy, his intent clear when he bats the full beer out of his hand, and it splashes the few guys next to him.

“What the hell,” one of them spouts, wiping away the beer from his soaked arms. “You need to check yourself, Bugle Boy.”

Theo’s gaze doesn’t waver. “Come on, tell me, fuckboy, because I need to know how a clueless piece of total shit like you gets away with this over and over.”

Troy’s jaw ticks and his eyes narrow. “Look, this holier-than-thou routine is getting fucking old, man. I didn’t know she belonged to you.”

Theo grits his teeth, ready to pounce. “Never stopped you before, has it? You’re disgusting.”

Troy’s eyes flare, and I shake my head, knowing he’s about to go for the jugular.

“Maybe you need to ask her why she’s sending vibes my way.”

“Don’t you dare! You bastard,” I finally manage to say glaring at Troy before turning pleading eyes to Theo. “Theo, that’s not true!”

“You’re asking for an ass-whooping,” the guy standing next to Troy says in warning. “You need to back off, Theo.”

Troy lifts his hand, silencing him with a gesture. “Clear them out.”