“Every time I think about packing up and leaving here, I don’t see a destination. I’ve had four years to think about it, and I’m still not sure where I want to end up.”

“You’ll figure it out.”

“I don’t even have a favorite flower, Theo. I can’t decide on a favorite friggin’ flower. If I can’t make a simple decision like that, how in the hell am I supposed to make important life-changin’ decisions?”

“I’ll clue you in on something,” I whisper.


“Half of the people with a degree probably hate what they majored in because they didn’t know what they wanted to do either.”

“I know.”

“Some of them won’t use a tenth of what they learned in college for their career.”

“Do you think I’ll be shit as a publicist?”

“Not at all, but people like you are the best example of the good kind of chaos. You thrive in the random. You shake things up and make whatever you have going work for you. Screw the planning and just go with your gut. Stumble your way through, wing it, and do whatever makes you happy.”

“Fake it until I make it?”

“Exactly. You’re a scrapper, Laney. You hustle like no one I’ve ever seen. You cannot fail, no matter what you decide.”

“I stumbled into you.”

“Glad you did.”

“Me too.” She’s quiet for so long I assume she’s asleep. I rock us back and forth, just admiring the view and the feel of the girl in my arms.

“So, you really think I’ll stumble into my future too?”

“In the best way, yeah,” I say before pressing a gentle kiss to her temple, “I absolutely do.”

She brings her lips to mine as Deidra calls us inside for pie.

After a chaste kiss, she looks up at me with a light in her eye that warms me from within.

“Happy New Year, Houseman.”

“Happy New Year, Laney.”

#laidbacknewyears #happierthantwopigsinshit #bestfriendsforeva #perfectday #noresolutionsbutonehelluvakiss #hesallmine #livingourrealestlife


Theo: Hey.

Laney: Hey Handsome.

Theo: What are you doing?

Laney: Not much.

Theo: Good because I’m pulling up.

Laney: No!

Theo: What? Why?