His grin widens, warming me from the inside. “Thought you’d appreciate it.”

I hear the driver then threaten to throw them off the bus as a voice calls out. “Aw, eat ya sammich, Schmitty!”

Theo and I both crack up.

“Seriously, that was epic. When did you put that together?”

“Eh, when you spend a shitload of hours on a bus both ways, you get creative. That’s an oldie but a goodie.”

“Well, it was YouTube-worthy, I swear, I loved it, thank you,” warmth spreading in my chest as I study him. His band jacket unbuttoned, he’s wearing a white V-neck beneath revealing a little of his neck and chest. His damp hair curls up at the ends around his ears, and a headband peeks out beneath the soaked mane swept across his forehead. It looks a little more like he just performed at a rock concert rather than half-time. It’s sexy, and I find my cheeks warming as I study his lips and the look in his eye.

“Glad you liked it, that could’ve been embarrassing.”

“For who? I thought you weren’t the type to get embarrassed.”

“This, I take seriously. It was our debut.”

“They seem like a fun bunch.”


“Y’all hang out much other than in the band?”

“I hang with Zach when I have time. The rest I can do without until we’re ass deep in green pleather.”

“Heard that, asshole.”

“Meant for you to,” Theo retorts with a shrug.

“So,” I greedily drink him in. “With you, what you see is what you get, huh?”

“Pretty much.”

r />

We’re grinning at each other like idiots. And it strikes hard then, I like what I see. I like it very much.


“Haven’t seen much of you lately,” Devin says, giving me a sly side eye. We’re on our way for her final dress fitting, and a champagne lunch her soon-to-be mother-in-law has arranged.

“Sorry, I’ve been busy with school and—”


“I like him, okay? He’s a lot of fun. He’s smart and funny, and we go to the parties and stuff together, so we don’t have to fly solo. He’s kind of a loner, like me and just about the best guy I’ve ever met.”

“But nothing is going on?”

“No.” She eyes me, and I turn to face her in the front seat of her monster truck.

“Look, I am attracted to him, okay? I’ll admit it. It crept up on me slow, and now I’m fully aware of it.”

“That’s because it’s more than looks attracting you at this point.”

“But he is good looking.”

“I’m not disagreeing,” she says, slowing at a stop light. “He’s got a certain something.”