“Well, he made quite an impression on me and seems to care a great deal about you. Told me he was madly in love with you.” My sperm donor smiles as my heart crash lands in my stomach.

“He told you this at Christmas?”

“He did, and I’ve been thinking about calling but—”

“What exactly did he say?”

“Laney, I’m trying to tell you about how I’ve—”

“I don’t care about you,” I say, letting my tears fall freely. “At all. I care about him.”

Jim’s features twist in defeat. “That seemed to be his exact sentiment.”

“Yeah well, he could tell me exactly what was said. You know why? Because that’s the type of man he is. He would know how important the conversation was to me.”

“I’m sorry, I was in a bit of shock. Laney, I’d like to—”

I laugh sarcastically. “It’s way too late, Jim. My mother did your job and hers. Thanks for the checks, we used them. We needed them. We deserved them. But this here,” I gesture between us. “Ain’t happenin’. Ever.”

“Laney, please hear me out.” His face is reddening from my rejection.

“No offense, Jim, but I don’t want to know you. I have no hard feelings against you. None. Truly. But I don’t want to know you.”

I walk away, unable to hold the emotions surfacing.

Theo met my father and didn’t tell me. It’s too much.

“I’m going to go look for Devin,” I tell my mother. “I’ll be back.”

I hear the faint sound of my parents arguing behind me, and I have to admit, it’s odd.

“I told you.”

“Fine, Deidra, you told me, I just want to be there for her.”

“Well, if you’re really sincere—”

I can’t listen to anymore. Once I’m a safe distance away, reeling from the idea of Theo confronting my dad about being a deadbeat. Life decides to deliver another blow when the crowd parts and I see him. He’s dressed in a suit, black skinny tie, and his chucks. My eyes re-fill instantly at the welcome sight of him as he searches the crowd with eager eyes, panic covering his features. I’d never been so emotional in my life as I had been while falling in love with this man and losing him. When his eyes finally land on mine, I see relief briefly as he stops his feet and stands a few yards away. His eyes roam my face, my parted robe and my new dress beneath, before trailing down to my boots and I see his lips lift at the sight of them. It’s a dagger to the heart when his eyes return to mine filled with the same longing I feel. My heart calls out to his from where I stand, my eyes pleading with his to close the distance.

Swiping the tears off my cheeks, I wait while he studies me, my heart bottoming out in anticipation. Finally, he takes the few steps separating us.




“Thank you.”

“You look incredible.”

“So do you,” I say, trying my best to keep my voice even.

“Still taking that trip?”

I nod.

“When do you leave?”