Staring up at the ceiling of the tent, I lay in Theo’s arms as the soft light of the electric lantern he bought creates a candlelight hue in the space.

“This must have cost you a fortune.”

“Don’t think about that.”

“Can you imagine how many stars we’ll be able to see with all these skylights?”

“It’s going to be awesome.”

“Theo, remember how I told you I didn’t camp anymore because I was scared it wouldn’t be as magical.”

“I do.”

“That’s no longer true,” I say, sitting up to stare down at him. His hands are clasped behind his head. “You, sir, have single-handedly brought magic back into my life.”

He lifts one of his shoulders. “I’m good like that.”

“And you need some humble pie.” I roll my eyes and playfully slap his chest. “But I mean it. I really do. This is the best present anyone has ever given me.”

Pulling me down by my neck, he kisses me soundly on the lips.

“I’m glad you like it.”

“I love it,” I whisper, looking around our new fortress.

The corner of his mouth lifts. “Then I’m glad you love it.”

I grin down at him.

“Merry Christmas, Theo.”

“Merry Christmas, Laney.”

#bestfriends #campinginthebedroom #bestpresentever #nogummiesthankyouverymuch #whoneedsmistletoe #hebroughtmagic #bestchristmasever #livingourrealestlife

Grannism—You should always return Tupperware. It’s sentimental for some.


“You aren’t doing it right!”

“I’ve been manning this grill for years, back off,” Laney says, snapping tongs at Devin. Chase chuckles as he steps outside, the porch door slapping shut behind him.

“They’re at it again, huh?”

I grin on at Laney bundled up in a sweater, leggings, and a beanie, and briefly imagine unwrapping her later.

“I know that look,” Chase hands me a beer, just as Laney swats Devin away closing the grill.

“Baby, tell this bubble-butted idiot that she has to—”

“Nope,” Chase shouts from the porch. “Hell no, the last time I got in the middle of a heated discussion between you two, I barely made it out alive.”

Devin huffs from where she stands. “Why did I marry you again?”

“Because I’m ridiculous hot, and I put up with your shit.”

Devin smiles. “That’ll do for now.”