He pulled her closer and she revelled in the ability to put her head on his shoulder, to touch him, to hold him.

‘It didn’t work. The feelings refused to go away, refused to be squashed or shut down. I missed you so much it hurt. But I didn’t know what to do. I was scared. So I decided I needed to sort myself out. Work out who I was in case I didn’t love you, in case I’d just been dazzled by physical attraction. So I found a therapist, talked to the Cavershams about setting up more workshops, changed my gallery hours to part-time. But through it all I couldn’t stop thinking about you. The more I achieved, the more I missed you. I wanted to tell you everything. Then, when my parents suggested a reunion with Prince Fredrick...’

His grip around her tightened and she shifted closer to him in reassurance.

‘I knew that no matter what I would never go back to being the Kaitlin who wanted an alliance, and I knew I had to have the courage to tell you how I feel. I needed to tell you. I wanted you to know that whether you want to receive love or not you have it. I spoke to Cora as well—told her about the kidnapping.’

Her voice broke slightly—the scene with Cora had been heart-wrenchingly emotional but it had restored the twins’ bond that had been lost so long ago.

‘She told me that love is so precious it should be given where it can. So that was what I came here to give it to you. My love.’

But she had never expected to have it reciprocated.

‘I have no idea what comes next.’ For a moment a small doubt shadowed her joy. ‘I mean, what will happen to you if we start a relationship? The press will be interested and your family connections might come out.’

‘It doesn’t matter.’ His voice was strong. ‘I have already set the truth in motion. I won’t not see my mother just because she thinks that is the way to protect me and my business. I have done nothing wrong, So over the past weeks I have held various meetings, explained the truth to my employ

ees, and soon I will issue a statement explaining the truth. Of course there will be repercussions, but I believe I’ll ride the storm.’

Her heart swelled at his sheer courage, integrity and self-belief. ‘I know you will, and I will be riding it right beside you. But I promise I won’t crowd you—I don’t want you to make any deals or any rash promises. I know how you feel about children and marriage, and I’m good with that. I just want us to move forward together.’

‘That is what I want. But I would like to make some promises. I promise to cherish and love you, body and soul. And as for children—that has changed, Kaitlin. Until now I was too scared of the responsibility that comes with parenting—I felt as though I had blighted my parents’ life and in some way I felt that disqualified me from parenthood. Or maybe I was just too selfish—maybe I didn’t want to feel so much love for another human being. But now...the idea of creating a child with you, of bringing a family up together...it feels right.’

‘But not yet.’ Kaitlin smiled. ‘You see, now I can see that that isn’t the be all and end all. I was being selfish too—I wanted children because I did want to give and receive love, and I couldn’t think of another way. Now I have you, and that is plenty. I want to set up a new business. I want to travel. I want to learn how to be me. And I want to do all that with you by my side.’

‘Then let’s face forward and go into our future together.’

As he kissed her the fountain danced in a beautiful tapestry of colour against the night sky. And Kaitlin couldn’t think of a better future than one shared with this wonderful man.


Six months later

DANIEL TIGHTENED HIS arm round Kaitlin’s shoulders and felt the now familiar but still so welcome heady thrill of being able to hold her—the wondrous sense of amazed joy that they had found each other.

‘You sure about this?’ he asked as they both looked out over Venice’s Grand Canal and then down at the gondola, manned by a smiling gondolier in a blue-striped top.

‘A hundred per cent.’

‘Then let’s do it.’

Her beautiful face was set with concentration, and a small frown creased her brow as she climbed into the craft. But she smiled as he joined her and took her hand in his.

The gondolier set off and then stood at the front, a discreet distance away, facing forward and focused on his task.

‘I can’t believe I can do this now!’ Kaitlin said, her voice light with happiness.

‘I can. You’ve worked hard and you deserve this.’

Her panic attacks hardly ever surfaced now, and his pride and admiration for Kaitlin had grown every day, every minute, as she’d blossomed.

‘Thank you—and thank you for all your support and understanding and love.’

‘You have those for ever, Kaitlin.’

Her smile lit up her face as she gestured forward to the Bridge of Sighs. ‘Then it is appropriate that we are here.’

‘It’s perfect timing, indeed.’