‘This is incredible.’

She looked down at the sheer decadence of her gianduia and pistachio parfait and dug her spoon into the concoction. Savoured the smallest bite, the cool, smooth texture, the tang of hazelnut complemented by the rich dark chocolate.

‘I almost can’t bear to actually eat it—it is so beautiful. And as for this hot chocolate...that is too mundane a translation. I think I prefer the Italian—cioccolata calda con panna.’

Daniel’s face lit up in a grin and she felt the effect right down to her perfectly painted toes. ‘Take as long as you like. You look like a little girl at her first birthday party.’

‘That’s how I feel.’

In fact she felt suddenly lightheaded, and she knew it was nothing to do with the sugar rush. It was to do with her sense of accomplishment and it was to do with Daniel. Danger tolled a bell in the deep recesses of her brain but Kaitlin ignored it, suddenly determined that nothing would spoil this day.

‘That’s awesome.’ He lifted his espresso. ‘Long may it last.’

For a moment she thought he might expound on his views on her getting help, but he didn’t. Instead his gaze rested on her and something sparked in his eyes—something that warmed her from the inside out, made her want to hurl caution to the spring breeze. All that mattered was this moment in time, the glide of the tuxedoed waiters, their platters expertly balanced, the strum of the orchestra, the smell of cake and sugar mingled with the tang of rosemary, and the dark, bittersweet melting of chocolate on her tongue.

But most of all there was Daniel—his aura, his potency, his sheer being as his lips turned up into a smile that stole the breath from her lungs.

‘You look happy.’ The depth of his voice caressed her skin. ‘And relaxed, and...’ A chuckle accompanied the words. ‘You have a smudge of sugar on the tip of your nose...’

Kaitlin reached into her bag for a pocket mirror and looked at her reflection. ‘And a chocolate moustache,’ she completed for him. ‘I really do look as if I’m at a kid’s birthday party.’

To her surprise a small laugh bubbled up, and then she couldn’t quite help herself—scooping up a bit of whipped cream, she leant over and dabbed it on the end of Daniel’s nose.

Surprise daubed his expression with a comical grimace as he wiped it off and her laughter bubbled over, erupting in a stream of giggles that she couldn’t stem. A second later and he had joined in, with a deep belly laugh that caused the neighbouring customers to turn and look.

Then, as their laughter subsided, he grinned at her and Kaitlin could feel an answering smile tilt her lips as he reached out and gently swiped his finger down the bridge of her nose.

A tingle shot through her, and for a long moment their gazes intermingled before she hauled in breath. ‘Thank you. I haven’t laughed like that in a long time.’

‘Neither have I.’

Those alarm bells clanged again.

Get it together.

This was not how Lady Kaitlin Derwent behaved.

‘Right. Um...well, I guess I’d better get eating and we’d better get a move on. After all, we only have today.’

Regret twinged and she gave her head a small shake. They might only have today, but perhaps that meant she should enjoy every second, silence the alarm bells and live in the moment. After all there could be no danger in wandering the streets of Venice chaperoned by throngs of fellow tourists.

Scooping up another exquisite bite, she smiled at him. ‘Onward.’


ONWARD. DANIEL GLANCED down at Kaitlin as they left the café and for a scant second wondered exactly where ‘onward’ was taking them. Disquiet prickled his skin as he quenched the urge to clasp her hand in his again.


Kaitlin did not need to hold his hand—it seemed clear that her panic had at least temporarily been held at bay, granting her a reprieve.

So it was best that he held his distance and continued to ignore the attraction that hazed the air between them. Instead he focused on their environment—the washing hanging to dry from windows, the aromas of cooking, a woman in her doorway shelling peas, the scent of the canal and the snatches of conversation as they wandered the narrow streets lined with brightly painted houses.

But at increasingly regular intervals his attention strayed back to Kaitlin, to the vibrant splash of her hair, the grace with which she walked, effortlessly cool and elegant in the lace dress. A vibe radiated from her of relaxed, confident enthusiasm, and her green eyes sparkled as she looked around, absorbing the sights and sounds of the city, and an unwanted warmth spread through his veins and brought a scowl to his face.

‘Is something wrong?’

Daniel glanced down and forced his expression to neutral as he saw the question in her eyes. ‘Not at all. For a moment there I thought I’d got us lost, but I haven’t. If I’m right we should arrive in the next few minutes.’