‘Sounds like you have it covered. Just like you had it covered with the kids. You’ve been so busy hiding out in your room I haven’t had a chance to tell you how impressed I was. Your workshop was amazing.’

Kaitlin had taken the youngsters shopping, given each one of them a one-on-one tutorial on style and budget, followed by a workshop on image projection. There had been gales of laughter, and at the end of it they had all looked like new people. He’d been left in no doubt that any preconceptions about aristocracy had been knocked to flinders.

‘Enough so that I want to talk to Ethan and Ruby about you running those workshops regularly, if you would be up for it.’


For a moment her face lit up and he blinked at the sheer beauty of her.

‘Really. What do you think?’

Suddenly, like the Christmas tree lights being extinguished on Twelfth Night, her expression was closed off. ‘It may be too big a commitment. I guess the workshops would be all over the country, and it would be hard for me to juggle them. Maybe I could train someone else to do them?’

Daniel frowned ‘Or maybe you could throw in the art gallery job and build up a whole new business? People would pay to learn how to project confidence. You have the organisational skills needed, and the business acumen, and...’

A firm shake of her head greeted this suggestion. Firm enough that her gorgeous hair rippled. ‘I’m happy where I am now. I don’t want to stray out of my comfort zone. I know where I am with the art gallery and I like that.’

Daniel frowned, wondered why Kaitlin had set her comfort zone at such a lo

w threshold. Something didn’t add up, but the rigidity of her expression indicated that she wouldn’t be offering him the solution to the sum.

Her head bent over the notebook. ‘Ethan seems to have been a bit vague about exactly what he needs us to do prior to the ball.’

‘Make sure all the arrangements are in place—check the catering, ensure all the auction items have been collected and stored. With luck we’ll have some time to explore Venice. Have you been before?’

‘No.’ Her expression was neutral, with no hint of anticipation at visiting one of the most historic, beautiful cities in the world. ‘Have you?’

‘Yes. Once.’

His mother had always wanted to go to Venice—had told him how his father and she had dreamed of one day settling in the city where his father’s people had originated. Daniel had promised her that one day he would take her. Instead he had gone on his own, in celebration when he’d graduated from law school. He had wandered the narrow streets and determination had pulsed in his veins that he would succeed and one day he would bring his mother to the city.

Now, eight years later, he was no longer so sure and loss touched him.

Seeing her eyes rest on his face with question and concern, he smiled. ‘It’s an incredible place.’

‘I am quite happy to field the organisational side of the ball to give you time to see Venice,’ she offered.

‘Absolutely not. We’ve agreed that the more time we spend together the better.’ An arrangement that suddenly seemed foolhardy. ‘So we’ll organise together and explore together.’

A definite wince greeted his suggestion, but before he could comment the pilot announced their descent to Marco Polo airport and he figured it was better to leave well enough alone.

* * *

As Kaitlin emerged from the jet onto the Tarmac she could feel the onset of panic start to unfurl in her tummy, despite her efforts to prepare. Airports always had the ability to overwhelm her—too dangerous, insecure, too busy.

Instinct had her stepping her towards Daniel.

Bad idea.

The memory of their kiss seared her with a burn that increased the closer he was. Which, perversely, was the reason for her agreement to spend time with him. For the first time in over a decade Kaitlin was not in control of an emotion and, dammit, she loathed that sensation. So she would learn to subdue this unwanted attraction. Just as she had subdued panic, anger, anxiety...insert emotion here.

Once they’d negotiated Customs a man bustled towards them, a beaming smile on his face. ‘Signor Harrington and Signora Derwent. I am Roberto, and I am delighted to welcome you on behalf of the hotel. But first—the press have contacted us, requesting to see you on your arrival. Of course if you do not wish it we will ensure your arrival is kept private...’

Kaitlin kept her expression neutral, though her brain whirred furiously. There had been no scheduled press meeting, yet they couldn’t forego a chance of extra publicity for the ball.

Daniel had clearly come to the same conclusion. ‘We’ll do a brief meet-and-greet.’

‘Very well. Now, come with me, for I have arranged for you to travel to the hotel by water taxi. We have our own private jetty at the palazzo.’