‘Nope.’ Damn right.

‘Then we’ve been ambushed.’ Frederick turned and smiled affably at his wife. ‘Perhaps you want to enlighten us as to why we’re here?’

‘Actually, this is Holly’s show. I am merely her assistant—or accomplice, depending on how you want to look at it. Holly, over to you.’

Holly’s show. The words pulled the band tighter round his chest. Since his father, it had never been anyone’s show but Stefan’s own. Warning bells clanged as he focused on her, watched as she straightened up, pushed a tendril of hair behind her ear and divided her focus between Frederick and himself.

‘This community has been hard-hit. It was already in trouble and the storm made things worse. What you both have in common is a desire to right the wrongs and injustices your father committed and help make Lycander a better place. I thought maybe you could work together on this specific community—use the ideas and strengths you both have. Frederick, I know how much you care about education. And, Stefan, I know of your belief in social housing. Together you could build houses...schools. I know you are doing that throughout Lycander, but perhaps this could be the one place that represents Stefan’s return to Lycander. If that makes sense. What do you think?’

She held her ground in the silence that followed.

Frederick glanced at his wife and Stefan could sense some sort of silent communication in progress. He suspected Sunita was issuing an escape route veto. Well, she had that right. Holly didn’t.

In reality escape wasn’t possible—this community did need assistance and he could provide it. But, right or wrong, the whole scenario didn’t sit well with him. Holly had pushed him onto the moral high ground—was pulling his strings, pushing his buttons. Find the cliché and apply.

So it might be. But these people in this community had been pushed into poverty and destitution by the policies his father had instigated. His father had pushed buttons and pulled strings to cause dissension and unhappiness. He knew Holly’s motives were good, that her aim was to help sow accord and not discord, and to achieve help for this place and the people who lived in it. Yet he couldn’t shake the warning buzz in his head, the shades of discomfort.

But that was for later. Here and now, this was a project he believed in.

‘I’m in.’ He turned to his brother. ‘But don’t feel you have to do this—I can handle it solo.’

Impossible to guess the thoughts that were going through Frederick’s blond head, but his face lightened into a smile. ‘Actually, I think this should be a joint enterprise. I know it’s your honeymoon, but do you want to stick around here for a bit and have a look? Bounce some ideas.’

One deep breath and then Stefan nodded. ‘Sure.’

In unison, Sunita and Holly stepped forward.

‘Grand!’ Sunita said. ‘Holly and I will take one car and you boys can have the other. Have fun!’

* * *

Holly paced the hotel room, anxiety edging her nerves as she wondered how it was going—whether this project would bring the brothers together. She wondered if she’d misread Stefan’s body language, the sense of irritation at her perceived interference. Yet she couldn’t regret it.

Her phone buzzed and she snatched it up, tried not be disappointed at the identity of the caller.

‘Hi, April.’

‘Holly. That’s a great write-up on you and Stefan. That should definitely nail it with regard to everyone buying into the two of you.’


‘I haven’t heard of the reporter but it’s a fair article—she did well.’

Still not with it, she held her phone in place with her shoulder and pulled her laptop towards her. Pulled up the article April was describing in happy detail.

Oh, hell.

‘April, I

’ll call you back.’

Disconnecting, she sank onto the armchair and started to read.

Love for Real? The Verdict is In.

As all of Lycander knows, last week Prince Stefan tied the knot with Holly Romano, and amid a complicated backdrop of wills and lemons, the big question has been: Are they in love for real?

Well, let’s take a look at some of the evidence.