‘She loved jazz—she had a whole collection.’

‘Perfect. We’ll have a jazz band. That will set the right tone as well. And it will be wonderful in a marquee. Wait till you see the marquee—it is amazing. Just right to house the very impressive guest list Marcus has come up with, and the perfect backdrop for the wedding of a younger, returning royal.’

‘Excellent. You truly are doing a great job.’

‘So are you,’ she said softly. ‘You’ve won the people over—showed them that you want to bring about change just as Frederick does.’

A twinge of discomfort touched him. ‘I do agree that change is needed, and as part of my deal with Frederick I will support his position, but remember this is all part of the deal. I am here to win my lands back, to regain my right to visit Lycander. No more than that.’

Holly frowned. ‘I don’t buy that,’ she said. ‘I saw you with that little boy at that nursery, and since then I’ve seen you interact with hundreds of people. You do care; you just don’t want to admit it.’

‘Don’t kid yourself, Holly—and don’t give me attributes I don’t possess. I care about these people, but it isn’t my responsibility to create change in Lycander or to undo my father’s wrongs. That is down to Frederick. Once this year is out I will be returning to London and my life.’

How had this conversation got personal? Rising, he hooked his jacket from the back of the armchair. ‘I’ve got a meeting with Marcus. Gotta run. I’ll swing by and pick you up later for the luncheon with the charity commission.’

She nodded and he headed for the door.

Holly watched as the door closed behind him, leant back in the armchair and closed her eyes.

Get real, Holly.

Stefan Petrelli was a businessman. She must not try and imbue him with attributes he didn’t have; he’d made it clear from the start that duty was an irrelevance to him.

A knock at the door pulled her from her reverie and she rose to open it, stepping back in surprise at the identity of her visitor. Sunita. Frederick’s wife. Exotic, beautiful. Ex-supermodel. Fashion designer. Mother of the heir to the throne, three-year-old Amil.

‘I am sorry to turn up unannounced; if it’s inconvenient please say.’

‘No. Come in.’

Pulling the door open, she stepped back and Sunita swept in on a swirl of energy and vibrant colour. Her dark hair was pulled back in a sleek high ponytail and her vivid orange and red tunic top fell to mid-thigh over skinny jeans.

‘I thought it would be good for us to meet unofficially. I also know how hard it is to arrange a royal wedding, so I’ve come to offer my help. Though I won’t be offended if you refuse it.’

‘No. Your advice would be great. Really useful.’

‘OK. But before we begin can I ask you something? I know about the deal—I understand that this wedding wins you half of Il Boschetto di Sole—but are you sure you’re happy playing the part you’re playing? Because if you aren’t we’ll cancel it.’

‘Just like that?’

‘Yes. Frederick and Stefan may be princes, but that doesn’t mean they get it all their way.’

Holly couldn’t help but laugh. ‘No. I’m good with this. Really.’

‘Good. There is something else I’d like to know. Has Stefan said anything to you about how it is going with Frederick?’

‘You know that proverb about getting blood from a stone...?’

‘Hmm... I also know the one about peas in a pod. Sounds as if they are more alike than they would care to admit. Frederick is being similarly reticent, but as far as I can tell their private meetings are a disaster. Enough that I think Frederick may bail on them soon.’ Sunita wrinkled her nose. ‘The problem is getting them to let go of the past—all those old resentments and feuds that Alphonse fed and nurtured and encouraged.’

Holly frowned. Perhaps she should stop Sunita there... But, damn it, she wanted to know more than Stefan had told her. All he’d said was that his mother’s marriage had been miserable—he’d clammed up about what had happened after.

‘It was awful for both of them when Alphonse divorced Eloise. You see, Eloise was kind to Frederick—tried to be a good stepmum—but as part of the custody agreement Alphonse refused to let her see Frederick at all. Frederick had already lost his own mother, and losing Eloise really got to him. Alphonse used that to pit Frederick against Stefan. And so it went on.’

Sunita sighed.

‘Now they can’t get past it. Even the Amil factor didn’t work. I asked them to keep an eye on him and after an hour I went back, expecting them all to be in a group hug. But instead I walked in to find Amil happily playing in a corner and the two brothers sitting in awkward silence.’

‘Surely they can discuss Lycander?’