‘I’ll get to that, but first some background. Have you heard of an organisation called DFL?’

Stefan frowned in thought. ‘It stands for Democracy for Lycander, right?’

‘Correct. It is growing in prominence and support.’ Marcus’s expression matched his grim tone, and his dark eyebrows slashed in a frown. ‘But I will take it down.’

Stefan emitted a snort. ‘People are entitled to their opinions. Everyone can’t agree with the idea of a monarchy. Months ago you told me Frederick wanted to allow freedom of opinion, planned to be less tyrannical than our father. Yet you want to “take it down”?’

‘People are entitled to their opinions. But I have a personal dislike for those people who choose to express said opinions through violence and racism.’

Marcus pressed a button on his screen and turned it round for Stefan to see.

Stefan perused the site, quickly assimilating sufficient information to realise that Democracy for Lycander was an organisation of the type that turned his stomach: a group that incited racism and violence under the guise of freedom and democracy.

‘OK. I take your point and I hope you nail them. But I’m not sure what this has to do with me.’

‘Times have been hard recently. Frederick is doing his best to reverse the injustices perpetrated by your father but he needs time. Under Alphonse, housing, hospitals, education—every system—was allowed to fall into disrepair and the people are restless. The storm last year caused further damage to property, land and livelihoods. Frederick is still not trusted by everyone—is still judged as the Playboy Prince, despite the fact he is now married with a son.’

Stefan shrugged, tried to block off the unwanted pang of emotion. He’d meant what he said to Holly over dinner—this was not his problem. He owed Frederick nothing...owed Lycander even less.

‘I’m still not sure where I come in.’

‘If you plan to pursue your claim to Il Boschetto di Sole then I assume you’re getting married?’

No surprise that Marcus Alriksson knew the terms of the Bianchi will—perhaps the only shocker was how long it had taken him to make contact.


‘Good. Then I have a deal to offer you.’

Not interested. Stefan bit the words back. Marcus wasn’t a fool. He wouldn’t have come to the table unless he was sure he had something concrete to offer.

‘I’m listening.’

‘Your marriage could be an opportunity for you and Frederick to mend fences.’

Stefan snorted. ‘Don’t play me for a fool. You don’t give a damn about a touching Petrelli reunion—this is politics.’

‘Partly. As I explained, Frederick could do with some support and the people could do with some positivity. You could provide both. The return of the exiled Prince... If you come back to support your brother it would show solidarity, and your acceptance and approval would boost Frederick’s popularity. Especially if you gild that return with a wedding.’

‘I’m not even sure I do accept and approve of Frederick and his policies.’

‘Then come and see for yourself. Frederick and Sunita are in India at the moment. Come to Lycander—have a look. Then make a judgement call.’

‘And if I approve? What do I get from this deal?’

‘I want to use your marriage to bring you back into the family. Whether we like it or not there will be media coverage of your marriage, and there will be a lot of speculation about the will.’ Marcus’s face suddenly relaxed into a smile that seemed to transform it. ‘My wife, April...’ Now his voice glowed with pride. ‘She is a reporter and she assures me this is celebrity news gold. It will be played out as brother versus brother. Your story will be latched on to and revisited and I’m guessing you won’t like that.’

‘No, I won’t. But I don’t think there’s a damn thing you can do about it.’

‘I can pro

vide you with a suitable bride and I can help orchestrate the publicity around your wedding.’

‘I can do that myself. Hell, I could have a private ceremony on a secluded island and hide out there for a year. I get that you want to big up the marriage—make it a public spectacle for Lycander—and that you want the whole reunion and brotherly support. What do I get in return?’

‘In return Frederick will restore your lands and titles, and...’ He paused as if for an imaginary drum roll ‘...we’ll give your mother recognition. Set the record straight once and for all—set up a foundation in her name. Whatever you want.’

Stefan’s heart pounded in his ribcage.