His smile was so full of love her breath hitched in her throat.

He gestured towards a corner of the lounge area. ‘And right now why don’t you have a look in your stocking?’

‘Huh?’ Following the trail of his hand, her eyes alighted on a small Christmas tree, still in its pot, decorated with silver strands of tinsel and red, purple and gold decorations. Pinned next to it was a bulging striped stocking, with a candy cane poking out of the top.

‘I know it’s not Christmas anymore. But I figured there was still some Christmas magic left in the air,’ he said.

There were those tears of joy. Again. ‘How on earth did you manage to do all this?’

A grin and the wicked wiggle of his eyebrows banished her tears in favour of a chuckle.

‘Consider me all-powerful. Actually, it wasn’t too hard. The helicopter only took an hour or so... Rafael’s driver picked me up at Battersea... A few stops on the way and then straight here to Little Venice, where the ex-owner of Oasis waited. I cleaned the place, set up the tree, and then I went back to the hotel to wait for you.’ Eagerness lit his expression as he shifted from foot to foot. ‘Come on—open it.’

Unhooking the stocking, Ruby sank onto the cushioned sofa and dived her hand inside. Pulled out a heart-shaped box of chocolates, a gorgeous bath bomb that exuded lavender and chamomile, a pair of fluffy woolly socks... And then, nestled in the toe, her questing fingers found a box.

Heart pounding, mouth parched, she tugged it out and opened it. Inside was a ring—a glorious cluster of sapphires and diamonds.

‘Sapphires to match the sparkle of your eyes,’ Ethan said. ‘Diamonds because diamonds are for ever. Will you marry me, Ruby?’

‘Yes.’ The assent dropped from her lips and happiness blanketed her as he slid the ring onto her finger. ‘It’s so beautiful.’

‘Not as beautiful as you. Now, l

ook up.’

There above them was a sprig of mistletoe, and as Ethan’s lips covered hers she knew that her happiness was complete. They would sail their boat together over the horizon, into a life that would hold ups and downs, rain and sunshine. But she knew with all her heart that their love would ride every swell, weather every storm and bask in each ray of happiness.


The Caversham Castle Ball

RUBY FELT AS if she were walking, floating, dancing on air as she greeted each and every guest at the ball. Time seemed spun with the shining threads of pure happiness as she rested her gaze on Ethan, listened to his speech—his words powerful, emotive and drenched with compassionate belief in his cause.

‘He’s a good man.’

Ruby turned to see Cora Brookes by her side.

‘He is.’

Instinctively she looked down at her left hand, even though she and Ethan had decided to keep their engagement under wraps until the end of the ball. Ruby had insisted that the ball was about fundraising—she didn’t want to dilute the impact in any way.

They watched as Ethan introduced Rafael and the tall, dark-haired man took the podium; his aristocratic lips upturned in a captivating smile—within minutes he had them riveted by his words as the bids climbed to outrageous heights.

Cora gazed at him. ‘He has the charm of the devil,’ she murmured under her breath.

‘He’s putting it to a good cause.’

‘Men like Rafael Martinez only have one cause—their own.’ A strand of bitterness tinged Cora’s tone. ‘I’m surprised he and Ethan are so close.’

Ruby frowned. ‘Ethan sees the good in everyone, and he is a great believer in second chances. Plus, you shouldn’t believe everything you read in the papers. Trust me on that. Unless, of course, you know Rafael?’

Cora hesitated. ‘No,’ she said finally. ‘I don’t.’ A perfunctory smile and then she gestured towards the door. ‘I’ll go and check the champagne is ready for midnight.’

Ruby turned as Ethan headed towards her.

‘All okay, sweetheart?’ he asked. ‘Why the frown?’

‘I was just wondering why Cora doesn’t like Rafael...’