Being royal was tough, and she would have to learn how to carry the mantle but, dear Lord, her vulnerability didn’t sit well with him; he didn’t like to see the doubts in those beautiful brown eyes and didn’t like the knowledge he was responsible for some of them.

He looked up at the knock on the door and blinked as Luca Valenti walked in, his face dark. ‘What exactly are you playing at, Cesar? With my sister?’

Cesar raised his eyebrows. ‘Hello to you too, Luca.’ He and Luca got on, but right now Luca was clearly in protective brother mode and Cesar didn’t blame him. Perhaps if he, Cesar, had been a better brother to Meribel, much scandal could have been averted.

‘Spare the diplomatic words, Cesar. You will not charm your way out of this one.’

‘I do not wish to charm my way out of anything. Sit down. Tell me the problem.’

‘What are your plans for Gabi?’

‘That is private between Gabi and myself.’

‘I do not want to see my sister hurt.’

‘I would never hurt Gabriella. For that you have my word. But I will not discuss our relationship with you.’

‘I understand that and I believe that you do not intend to hurt Gabi. But please remember that I did not intend to hurt Meribel.’ Luca’s voice was fierce with truth. ‘I would have sworn the same to you.’

‘Point taken and understood and I repeat: I will not hurt Gabriella.’

‘Then why does she look so tired? She will not talk to either myself or Imogen about it and my mother simply tells me to leave be. That Gabriella is a grown woman.’

‘Your mother is a wise woman.’ Though Luca was right, Gabriella did look tired and Cesar needed to do something about it. He sat back and for a moment the two men regarded each other. Then Cesar repeated.

‘I will not hurt her.’ After all, he couldn’t; that was the beauty of not bringing love into the mix. Because where there was no love, there could be no hurt.

Cesar watched as Luca considered and then he nodded. ‘You will answer to me if you do.’

‘Understood. Now relax, have a beer. Tell me your plans.’

And so the two men settled down to talk.


THE NEXT MORNING Cesar entered the Casavallian palace—at Gabriella and Queen Maria’s behest he now had the run of the grounds and was an accepted presence. But today was the first time he had entered the royal kitchens and there was a buzz of interest at his appearance.

The head chef approached and Cesar smiled at the man known only as Marcello, a chef famed throughout the land, rivalled only by the royal chef Davina of Aguilarez.

‘Good morning, Marcello.’

‘Your Royal Highness. How may I be of help?’

‘First can I congratulate you on your pasta con le sarde at the ambassadorial lunch? It was perfect.’

The chef beamed at him.

‘Next I was wondering if I could take Princess Gabriella’s trolley to her this morning.’

‘Of course. It is nearly ready. The papers have been delivered.’

‘But first I would like to make a small adjustment. I know she usually has tea but today I would like to make her something different. But I need your help.’

Ten minutes later, Cesar reached the library, knocked and entered.

‘Thank you, Bened—’ Gabi broke off as she saw who had entered, and a smile lit her face, a smile she quickly suppressed.

‘Oh. I wasn’t expecting you.’