‘Yes. Of course I did. I love you, Cesar. I know it was not supposed to happen but it did and I couldn’t have stopped it. Couldn’t have stopped you from making your way into my heart.’ She sipped the cocoa, savoured the warmth as he came and knelt in front of her.

‘I did not know it was possible to feel this happy. This grateful that you are here. Safe. I have never been so terrified as when I thought I may have lost you. Wouldn’t have the chance to tell you I love you.’

‘I felt the same way. I had already decided to come back when I realised how bad the storm had become. Then Arya saw a wolf or some wild animal in the gloom and she panicked. It took me by surprise and she bolted and I came off. It took me a while to get myself together and then I realised I couldn’t walk; I’d twisted my ankle too badly. I was so scared that I wouldn’t be able to come back, that you’d never know I wanted to sort it out, give us a chance. It would be like my parents all over again.’

‘Your parents?’

Gabi nodded. ‘My mother left my father, left Casavalle because she thought it was the right thing to do. That she could never be the Queen he needed, couldn’t bring her child up the royal way. But she changed her mind. She was going to come back, give it another chance. But by then my father had met Maria and she decided the best thing she could do for him was to stay away. I didn’t want that to happen to us.’

‘It won’t.’ He came and sat next to her, swung his legs up so they were side by side, snuggled under the blanket. ‘It can’t. Because we love each other and nothing will come in the way of that. I won’t let it.’ His confidence and assurance were things she loved so much about him. ‘I only wish I’d realised it sooner, but, you see, I didn’t think I was capable of love. The very idea terrified me—I didn’t think you could feel what you haven’t experienced. I couldn’t see the point of risking hurt—I learnt young there was little point in getting attached to people because they leave and move on so I learnt to suppress, quell, bury any such feelings before they had a chance.’

Her heart smote her and she laid her head on his shoulder. ‘I won’t leave,’ she promised. ‘You told me all the reasons you love me. Now it’s my turn. Right from that first night when I met you, you were easy to talk to. I felt comfortable around you. I trusted you. That’s why I was so upset at my presentation ball, but after that you were...well, you were so much fun. I don’t think I’ve always been very good at fun, but you’ve made me see how important it is. You’ve given me confidence, a belief that I am worthwhile, that I can do this. Can be Queen, a good ruler.’

‘I know that you will be a great queen. Your sense of right, of justice, will shine through and you will make a difference to your people.’

‘And you too will make a difference? Did you mean what you said earlier? About wanting to do more for the causes you believe in.’ She shifted to face him. ‘Because I want you to know I will support you in doing that. This marriage won’t be all about you supporting me. It will be two ways. I want to help you to help others. Build a foundation, support overseas charities.’

He nodded. ‘I would like to do that and I have plenty of ideas to brainstorm with you.’

‘That sounds wonderful.’ And it did. ‘You are a caring person, Cesar. That is yet another thing I love about you. Everything you’ve done has been caring: the chocolates for the tree, the sleigh ride, whisking me away...’

‘That’s because I have loved you from the start. I have cared from the moment I saw you sprawled in the straw. I kept telling myself that I was doing all these things as part of a marriage campaign but I wasn’t. I wish I had realised earlier that I loved you.’ Gently he stroked her hair. ‘I am so very sorry for the hurt I have caused you, for my idiocy and my clumsiness. I love you, Gabi, with all my heart.’

‘It really doesn’t matter—nothing matters now but this. Us. I love you so very much and I truly couldn’t be happier than I am right now.’ Gabi turned and brushed her lips against his, felt joy, a sense of rightness as he kissed her just as the clock chimed midnight and Christmas Day arrived.


Casavalle, January 2nd

CESAR LOOKED AROUND the table at his parents, his brothers and their families, Meribel with Dana... Flavia. His gaze travelled to take in Antonio, Tia, Luca and Imogen. Grace and Miles were also present. Meribel and Tia were deep in conversation, no doubt comparing pregnancy notes. Imogen was hand in hand with Luca. Even his parents looked more relaxed than he’d ever seen them.

The Asturiases and the Valentis...all sitting down for an informal meal following the pomp and splendour and formalities of the previous day—the day of Gabi’s coronation.

And now Cesar’s gaze rested on his wife and his chest swelled with pride. She had been incredible—had accepted the crown with regal grace and utter sincerity and a humble understanding of the position and duties she had sworn to uphold.

The occasion had been weighted with history. But so too was today—a meal organised by Casavalle’s newly crowned Queen. No additional guests, no publicity. Just family. All eating pizza together.

Cesar wondered if his mother had ever eaten pizza before, watching her gamely and elegantly approaching it, wielding her cutlery with grace, unfazed by the toppings falling off.

Gabi, on the other hand, picked hers up with her fingers, and to his astonishment Queen Maria followed suit.

Cesar knew that indeed times were changing.

Gabi rose to her feet and raised her glass. ‘I want to thank you all; I am so incredibly happy to have you all here. My family. The Valentis and the Asturiases. United. As a small token of our appreciation Cesar and I have bought you all a gift, something small and frivolous after the ceremony and importance of yesterday.’

Cesar and Gabi had

come up with the idea, wanting to introduce the concept of gift-giving to his parents, to show everyone that royalty and frivolity could go together.

Reaching under the banqueting table, Cesar picked up the bag of gifts and walked around distributing them. Amongst them was an expensive lipstick in a brighter than usual colour for his mother, an expensive set of bubble bath and shaving brushes for his dad, a beautiful friendship bracelet for Imogen, a teapot for Tia. A set of brightly coloured, vivid socks for Luca, a snow globe depicting a scene in Picco Innevato for Antonio, and a set of a slightly brighter than usual nail polishes for Maria. Every present given lots of thought.

He returned to his place next to Gabi and took out the final gift in the bag. ‘For you,’ he said.

‘And that is for you.’ She pointed to a small gift-wrapped box by his glass.

He opened it and grinned. Cufflinks in the shape of toboggans—a reminder of their first date.

Next he watched as she opened hers. A delicate charm bracelet. The charms included a crown, a book, a horse, a plane, a toboggan, a sleigh, and of course a heart.