He pushed her veil back and, oh, so gently he kissed her, his lips feather-light and yet so sensuous. Joy and a tremor of desire coursed her veins and she lifted her hand to gently cup his cheek.

The walk back down the aisle was dreamlike—she even thought she saw Maria wipe a tear from the corner of her eye, which surely must be an illusion. As they emerged into the cold, snow-tanged air she looked round at the blue-grey of the sky, the ancient beauty of the churchyard, and all she could think was the word married. She’d got married. Married. Married.

Then it was time for the photographs but today she sailed through the usually hated pastime. Because Cesar was next to her, oh, so close, arm around her waist, her hand lightly resting on his chest, and a new awareness dawned, a thrill of anticipation at the night ahead.

An awareness that simmered as they arrived at the reception, held in one of the Casavallian ballrooms, resplendent in Christmas beauty. The flags of Aguilarez and Casavalle fluttered at the doors. The columns and pillars were draped with beautiful white flowers that trailed and garlanded down with fairy-tale beauty and added a tinge of scent to the air.

An enormous table displayed an array of canapés. Gabi had decided against the formality of a sit-down dinner, preferred the idea of allowing people to mingle. Instead she’d asked for tables to be dotted round the room so that people could sit or stand as they pleased.

‘I think it’s working,’ she said to Cesar as they stood together watching their guests as they laughed and talked. Imogen and Luca circulated, making introductions. Antonio and Tia sat with Miles and Grace, all laughing.

‘Even my parents look happy,’ he agreed, watching King Jorge smile and nod as Imogen spoke to him. ‘Clearly Meribel’s faults have been forgotten.’

Now that a different Asturias had married a different soon to be ruler of Casavalle.

‘Then hopefully Meribel will feel able to attend my coronation and bring Dana with her.’

‘Perhaps. But enough of my family. What about you, Gabi? Are you happy? Are you enjoying yourself?’

‘I am. I spoke with Jonas as well and I have told him he can have the book store.’

‘Are you sure? I know how much it means to you.’

‘It does but it would be selfish of me to hang onto it now. I know it was the right choice. My life is here now.’

With you.

She bit the words back, reluctant to show even a hint of sappiness. Instead, ‘Now we should mingle.’

Cesar nodded and with a small wave she moved away. As she did so she spotted a tall, willowy blonde woman who was standing watching her, partly shielded by a fluted, flowered pillar. Gabi smiled and then the smile froze into a rictus as she realised the identity of the guest. Lady Amelia Scott-Browne.

How? Why? No way would she have missed the inclusion of Lady Amelia on the guest list. Equally no way could anyone have gatecrashed this venue. Had Cesar asked Lady Amelia? The thought sent an icy jag through her veins. No, of course he wouldn’t, or at least not without telling her. Would he? Perhaps in a loveless marriage he assumed it wouldn’t matter to her. It shouldn’t matter to her. That Lady Amelia was so beautiful, so elegant, so poised, so...

Stop, Gabi.

Right now, it was imperative that she maintain her poise; no hint of scandal could touch this wedding.

Plus, there was no need for the stabs of jealousy she could feel pinprick her whole body. Cesar and Amelia had been history before Gabi came on the scene and she would not allow herself the indulgence of petty jealousy.

It was the future that was important.

It was simply unfortunate that her immediate future obviously involved a conversation with Lady Amelia. But as she approached the other woman, Gabi was careful to keep a friendly smile on her face.

‘Your Highness.’ Amelia’s voice was low, well-modulated and completely cordial. ‘I know you must be wondering why I am here. I assure you that Cesar has no idea I am here.’

‘I must admit that I’m a little curious, yes.’

‘I have come as the guest of Ferdinand Bastillo, one of Cesar’s diplomatic colleagues. And I must admit I was guilty of a little subterfuge; Ferdinand believes I have Cesar’s permission to be here and it is he who convinced your palace secretary to add me to the guest list at the last minute. But I only came because I wished to talk with you.’


‘I do not know how much Cesar told you about “us” but I believe you are entitled to the truth and I couldn’t think of another way to speak with you. I know that letters and emails get censored.’

It was true. Gabriella knew how much trouble Miles had got into for passing her original letter on to Maria, knew too how hard it had been for Tia to get in touch with Antonio. She had been forced to simply turn up as Lady Amelia had now.

‘Go ahead,’ she said, though every instinct told her to cover her ears with her hands and run away.

Lady Amelia nodded. ‘I’m not sure if Cesar has been honest with you, and everything I have seen and heard indicates to me that you have fallen in love with him.’