* * *

Cesar and Miles did their job all too well, as it turned out. Because over the next few days, to Gabi’s astonishment and discomfort, the media, expertly encouraged by Cesar and Miles, went nuts for the romance angle. A number of dates and occasions were agreed, and through necessity, given the number of royal engagements in her diary, Cesar simply came with her.

And... Gabi no longer knew how she felt. About anything. Could no longer distinguish between reality and illusion. All she did know was his proximity messed with her head and made the public engagements paradoxically both harder and easier.

Harder because she was on edge, her body preternaturally aware of him at all times, ever conscious that she had to act like a woman falling in love. Easier because with Cesar at her side she felt less alone; less daunted by the fear of making a mistake.

Thank goodness she and Imogen had decided to sneak a little girl time this evening; as if on cue there was a knock on the door. ‘Come in.’

Imogen entered and as always Gabi felt a rush of gratitude that she hadn’t lost her friend, that Imogen had come with her on this royal journey.

Imogen smiled widely at her. ‘Now, let’s not waste time.’ She sat down on the armchair in front of the fire, tucked her legs under her and accepted the glass of red wine Gabi handed her with a smile and a murmur of thanks. ‘Tell me what is happening with Cesar.’

‘I don’t know,’ seemed the safest way forward. Especially as it also had the benefit of being truthful.

‘Do you like him?’

‘Yes...’ Hearing the doubt in her own voice, she shrugged. ‘I do like him, but I still don’t feel as if I know him. We see each other in public, we’re on show. Sometimes I wonder if Cesar is always on show. Always diplomatic, a smile and the right word always to hand.’

‘I think that is how the princes here are, be they Casavallian or Aguilarean. They mask their emotions; Cesar perhaps even more so than Luca and Antonio. According to Luca, Cesar’s parents were even more distant than Vincenzo and Maria. But I think the real Cesar is worth knowing. Luca likes him.’

‘He’s easy to like,’ Gabi said, heard the slight undertone of bitterness. ‘He has that natural royal charm that I lack. I’m so...rough around the edges. And the press, the publicity—I find it so hard to deal with. It feels like everyone is waiting for me to do something wrong and sometimes whatever I do is wrong. So, I can’t win.’

Imogen leant forward, her blue eyes full of both sympathy and empathy. ‘It is such early days. The princes have had their whole lifetime in the spotlight; they’ve learnt how to handle it. As will you. And if anyone can help with that, Cesar can.’

‘Sometimes I wonder whether I should simply have stayed home, in Crystal Lake.’

Her friend’s forehead creased in a frown of concern. ‘You don’t really mean that, do you?’

‘No. I guess not. Sometimes, though, it all feels a bit much.’

‘Perhaps you should think about making the final cut and sell the book store.’

‘Sell it?’ Panic flared. Her book store was her safety net; her back-up plan. The safe haven she still fantasised about a return to.

‘Yes. Give someone else the opportunity you thrived on. To make it theirs. Because, in truth, are you really going to go back?’

Gabi shook her head. ‘I don’t know, Imogen. It could be that in the end I do stand aside, if the people truly revolt. Then Luca will end up on the throne.’

Imogen shook her head. ‘That won’t happen. Luca believes it is yours by right and he will do all he can to ensure you become Queen. In fact, there is an idea I would like to talk to you about.’

‘What idea?’

‘Luca feels that his presence here is harming you—it is a reminder to people that he was once heir. But he still wants to show his support to you and Casavalle. He wondered if you would consider him taking on an ambassadorial role abroad for a while.’

‘When?’ Gabi struggled to keep her voice steady; the idea of losing her brother and her best friend caused tears to threaten but she knew she had to consider this as a ruler.

‘Soon. The plan is to go away for a while now, perhaps get it all set up, and then return for your coronation.’

‘You don’t need my permission; I want you and Luca to be happy so, of course, if this is what he wants, I agree.’ And it was the right path—after all, Imogen had always wanted to travel and this would give Luca a chance to experience a whole new life. But the sadness persisted and for some reason an image of Cesar came to mind. A realisation that if she didn’t marry him, he too would leave. Return to his ambassadorial duties. And she wasn’t sure she wanted him to go. She raised her wine glass. ‘To new beginnings,’ she stated.

‘And old friendships,’ Imogen said.

And the two best friends clinked glasses.

* * *

Cesar tried to focus on the report; try as he might he kept seeing Gabi’s face instead of the diplomatic words on the paper. A face that looked a little pinched and a little shadowed under the expert make-up. She was playing her part but he could sense her tension, how much it cost her to do so.