‘You did?’

‘I did.’ In truth it had started as a homework exercise?

?he wanted to be able to show Gabriella that he had tried. Had decided to read a chapter. But to his astonishment the book had gripped him, and it had only been the chime of the clock at an advanced hour that had forced him to turn the light out. ‘It was a good choice.’

‘I’m glad.’

‘Now I have brought you this.’ He handed her a slim box, watched as she opened it to reveal a posy of flowers designed so that they could be pinned to her dress.

‘From the Aguilarean palace gardens.’

Her brown eyes surveyed him. ‘So if I wear it, it will send out a subtle romantic message for the press to pick up on. And it could also be seen as a symbol of our countries’ friendship.’


‘An excellent prop,’ she said coolly. ‘For our double act.’

‘That is what I thought. I also hoped you would like them; I did pick them myself.’ He hesitated. ‘Is something wrong?’

Her expression relaxed. ‘Yes...no... It’s just hard for me to get my head round a political alliance and fake romance. Our last two “dates” were different, more private—the press were hardly there. Today they will be watching and I don’t want them to focus on us rather than on Antonio and Tia’s wedding and—’

‘Hey. Slow down. There would be public interest in you regardless of our supposed romance. And from what I know of Antonio he will be more than happy for the attention to be diverted from him.’

She inhaled a deep breath and he watched her straighten up. ‘You’re right.’

‘I am. Now let me pin it on,’ he said, seeing her small grimace of frustration as she made the attempt.

He headed towards her, aware that he was holding his breath as he carefully pinned the arrangement to her dress, closed his eyes briefly at her proximity, at the sheen of her chestnut hair, the scent of jasmine that tantalised his senses. Felt the tiny shudder that rippled her body and knew she felt it too.

‘Shall we go?’ Her voice was breathless as she stepped back. ‘I said we would meet everyone else in the reception hall, then we can all walk to the chapel together. Antonio is already at the church with Luca. But the rest of the party is here.’

He nodded. ‘Tia, her mother Grace, Miles.’ The palace secretary who, rumour had it, had fallen hard for Tia’s mother, Grace Phillips.

‘Yes. Antonio has also invited Gina and Enrico, who are valued staff members, and Tia has asked her bosses from the UK—Lucia and Giovanni. They are lovely.’ She glanced at him. ‘No doubt you’ve done your research.’

‘Of course. I am here, after all, to represent Aguilarez.’ He smiled at her. ‘But after the wedding I have our next “date” planned.’ And again there was the sense of anticipation. ‘We are going on a plane journey so I can show you an aerial view of our countries.’

‘Another geographical history lesson?’

‘Perhaps. But it is also a venue where the press cannot follow us—where we can be private. So if you are worried about the press now just think about later, when we will escape them.’

‘Thank you.’ Her smile was genuine and he felt a satisfaction at being responsible for the lightening of tension in her face.

They walked down the marbled hall, then entered the reception room. He smiled at Tia, whom he had briefly met at the presentation ball. She was pretty and right now she glowed with a radiance it was impossible to ignore. She was dressed in a simple floaty, flowered dress, her happiness evident, as was her pride in her pregnancy, shown by the protective hand over the curve of her belly. They were doing the right thing, but again the timing of this could not be worse. More scandal, more rumour and speculation.

But now wasn’t the time for this. Now was the time to focus on the small talk, circulate the group, chat to each and every one. Then the walk across the courtyard to the chapel; this was all important as he knew there would be eagle-eyed reporters who would spot the flowers pinned to Gabriella’s dress, would also note how close they stood together. Zoom in on the light touch to her arm as he pointed something out. Satisfaction at a job well done inexplicably battled with a frisson of unease, the knowledge that he took way more than a clinical pleasure in her closeness. A strange desire to protect her, mixed with more primeval desire.

It was with relief that he entered the chapel, heard Gabi’s intake of breath, and as he looked round he understood why.

‘It’s spectacular,’ she breathed as Tia turned to her mum.

‘Mum. It’s gorgeous, perfect. Thank you.’

The older woman beamed and suddenly Cesar felt a small wrench—his own mother had never once looked at him like that; no one had. Next to him he felt Gabi tense, knew she was missing her own mother.

‘You’re welcome, sweetheart. It wasn’t just me, though. I couldn’t have done it without Miles.’

Next to her the palace secretary smiled self-deprecatingly, but his expression as he stepped closer to Grace Phillips was full of warmth and affection.