Now she understood. Jalpura hosted a biannual film festival that showcased both Indian and European films. ‘My father is pretty popular on Jalpura.’

‘Yes.’ But somehow she suspected there was more to it than that. ‘Has he ever attended the festival?’

‘Once, I believe, a few years ago.’ She’d read an article about his trip—‘Rajiv Khatri and his family attended the festival...’ The words had held a barb—he hadn’t even asked her, had taken his second wife and their five children. She knew she was being oversensitive—those children lived with him; she had been in her mid-twenties; he would have taken her if she’d asked—but for some reason it still stung. The knowledge she wasn’t really family. ‘The island looks beautiful, a photographer’s dream.’

‘It is also a chocolatier’s heaven. The cocoa beans were an amazing find—we are about to launch a whole new brand.’

A whole new brand of chocolate; the idea piqued her interest, as did the note of determination and enthusiasm in his voice. ‘How does that work? I take it the beans taste different? Make a completely different-tasting chocolate?’

‘Well, a potted version is that, yes, different beans do definitely create distinctive tastes—because of climate, processing and sometimes, I believe, the personality of the grower. I may be being whimsical but I always prefer beans grown by people I like, with fair value and work practices and ethos.’ He shook his head. ‘But that is obviously not even remotely scientific.’

‘No, but I think you’re right. Creativity and growth come from inside. It sounds like the beans are really important to your brand.’ She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as ideas sparked her professionalism. ‘Maybe you should use photos of them in your promotional material. Or have some sort of documentary on your website? About Jalpura—it sounds like a fascinating place. Complete with a royal family—you could even have a fairy-tale theme. Beauty and the Bean’

She stopped, she could almost hear the whir of his brain before he gave a long slow smile. ‘You’re a genius.’

‘I am?’

‘You are. Tell me, would you like a job?’


LUCA BARELY REGISTERED Emily’s look of confusion, his brain too busy running with its brilliant plan. Because Emily’s suggestion was advertising genius and it had sparked an idea in his head. He could plan an advertising campaign to launch his new brand and shoot it on Jalpura—Emily was right, it was a magical location and the source of the bean that had inspired the chocolate. The campaign also presented him with a legitimate reason for going to Jalpura and whilst there he could discreetly retrace Jodi’s footsteps, figure out what had changed his sister and where the hell she was now. So far so good.

And Emily was the perfect person for the job—she had come up with the concept and it made sense for her to run with it, she was immediately available, she had the skills he needed and she needed a job. Plus, as an added bonus, she was the daughter of Rajiv Khatri, Bollywood star, and therefore holder of hero status on Jalpura. If he needed to talk to anyone associated with the Royal Film Festival her name would open every door. But would Emily be willing to do that? She’d been adamant that she didn’t like using her name to gain advantage. But this was different—this wasn’t to help herself, it was to help Jodi.

The obvious thing to do would be to ask her. Problem was he knew Jodi would loathe her business being told to anyone. Especially Ava’s best friend. Yet the idea of asking Emily to do a job without full disclosure didn’t sit well with him.

Belatedly his radar kicked in and he realised that his wannabe travel partner had no idea what he was talking about


‘A job?’ she asked. ‘What sort of job?’

Luca made a decision. For now he’d leave Jodi out of it. For a start Emily might not even take the job, second he might not need to use her name. Therefore he’d keep the Jodi angle out of it. For now. ‘I love the Beauty and the Bean idea and I want to go with it. Shoot the ad campaign on Jalpura. To launch the brand.’

‘Just like that?’

‘Yup. What do you think?’

‘I don’t think anything because it makes no sense.’ Her voice was tight. ‘Why would you offer me a job when you haven’t even seen a portfolio of my work? Or a single picture I have taken? When I am a fashion photographer?’ Emily rose to her feet. ‘I am sorry if I gave you the wrong impression, but I am not interested in whatever it is you have in mind.’

Oh, hell. She’d got hold of completely the wrong end of the branch and he couldn’t really blame her. Not after the dance and the sizzle of awareness that had pervaded the air since they had laid eyes on each other. Even now he sensed an undercurrent of fizz that her anger simply added to. For an instant he felt an almost visceral tug of regret, that by offering Emily a job he was effectively closing the door on any other type of relationship. No matter. The attraction could never have gone anywhere. Emily was Ava’s best friend—it was complicated enough between Ava and himself without adding extra mud to the water. Plus, Emily was just out of a messy divorce and therefore she was way too emotionally vulnerable. And Luca would not risk hurting anyone.

‘I understand that this seems a little off the wall and I understand why you’re suspicious. But this is a genuine job offer with no strings attached. Not a single one.’ Different expressions chased across her face, suspicion still held the upper hand, but she didn’t move away and he kept talking. ‘I love the idea of an advertising campaign on Jalpura. I’d like to make it happen.’

Her brown eyes narrowed. ‘That still doesn’t explain why you want to use me as the photographer.’

‘Because it’s your idea and I like the vision you created. You’re looking for work—so why not?’

‘So it is nothing to do with...?’ Heat touched her cheeks but she held his gaze as she gestured towards the dance floor. Closed her eyes, then reopened them. ‘Whatever happened out there.’

‘What happened out there was due to a mutual attraction. The click factor, if you will. But that now needs to be clicked off. I would never mix business and pleasure, would never offer anyone a job because I expect some sort of sexual quid pro quo.’ The idea caused his lips to press together in distaste. ‘If we decide to go ahead with a professional relationship, that is exactly what it would be.’

Emily shook her head; her brown eyes held his, searched them. ‘So there is no ulterior motive? Is this some sort of pity thing? Because I explained my situation to you. Or did Ava put you up to this?’

‘No one put me up to anything.’ Yet the question reminded him anew of how close Emily and Ava were and he knew he needed to be wary of that. Especially when it came to Jodi. But that didn’t change the fact he wanted Emily for this job. Instinct told him she’d bring the skills he needed, plus now he had this idea he wanted to run with it and, as she herself had said, she was ‘ready and available’. And, of course, there was her name, always assuming she’d agree that he could use it.

‘It still doesn’t make sense. How can you offer me a job without seeing my work? You may hate it.’