He kissed her neck. “You’re beautiful here.”
She shivered against him.
“And you’re beautiful here,” he said, with a press of his lips to the skin just visible above the line of her bra.
“And here.” He slipped his fingers under her waistband. Her hands moved up to his shoulders, lightly now, but he was going to make her hold on for dear life.
“I think…” He had to pull his hand out of her waistband to touch the area where her legs met on the outside of her skirt. “I think that your celebration should be on me. I’m going to drink from you until you scream.”
Now her hands tightened, the tips of her fingers digging in to his skin.
“Ohh…” she said. It sounded like her head had fallen back, the long line of her skin exposed for him to kiss for as long as he wanted.
Reality set in long enough for him to pull his hand away. “I’m pretty sure no one else is in the building and cleaning has already come through, but I’m going to shut the door.”
“Oh, yeah. Good idea.”
“Don’t move,” he said, with a pat on her hip.
“I wasn’t planning on it.”
He shut her door and, for good measure, closed her blinds even though they were too far up for them to worry about the windows.
When he turned back, she looked loose-limbed and wanting. Her bottom lip was wet, her eyes were wide and her blouse was hanging off her. Not yet well fucked, but they’d take care of that soon.
“On second thought. Sit your ass on the edge of your desk. And brace yourself.”
“Aren’t you bossy,” she said, though she backed up to the edge of her desk and held on with both hands.
He eased his way closer to her, stalking her. Watching her eyes follow him and shivers run through her body as she thought about what he had planned. “I’m going to make good on my word, though. I don’t think that makes me bossy, I think that makes me a man who keeps his promises.”
“I didn’t say that I didn’t like bossy.” She was breathless. He liked that.
His fingers skimmed over her skin, enjoying the goose bumps they left in their wake. “Now where was I?”
“Here,” she said, moving his hand to between her legs. “I believe you were making promises that you intend to keep.”
“Right.” He grasped the hem of her skirt and lifted with enough force that she went up on her toes.
“Well, aren’t these nice.” Under her hose, she was wearing bright pink lace panties. “I’m going to put my tongue here.”
He moved his hand down, touching between her legs. She was damp, and the smell of her arousal filled the room. He bent his knees and pressed his mouth against the silkiness. Her breath held and her body stiffened.
“Now, shall I pull you out of these things?”
“Yes,” she breathed. In one move, she pulled down the waistband of her tights and hopped up on the edge of her desk. He made quick work of the rest of her hose.
“I should take these off, too,” she said, shimmying and pulling at her panties.
“No. Leave them on for a bit. Let me play with them.”
His fingers danced over the wet fabric, teasing and playing. Occasionally, he would press a little harder and his breath would catch along with hers. Finally, after his fingers were damp from her moisture, he slipped his finger under the elastic of her panties. She pushed herself up just enough that he slid the lace out from under her butt and the panties dangled off one of her ankles.
He leaned back on his heels and admired his handiwork. “You’re beautiful.”
She laughed. Full-throated and guttural, the type of open, carefree laugh he’d been wanting to hear out of her mouth almost as badly as he’d not let himself believe he wanted this. “You’re just saying that because I’m naked.”
“Come on now. You’re not naked. You still have a bra on. And a skirt. And, hell, technically, you’re still wearing your underwear.”
She kicked a couple times and the bright pink lace that had been swaying from her foot came flying off and hit him in the chest. “Close enough to naked,” she said, stroking at his chest with her toe.