Stymied beyond expression or endurance, she started weeping again. “Ivan, oh, God, Ivan, you’re too much...and I love you too much, it hurts. It’s excruciating when I think—”

“Then don’t think. Or think only of this. That if I’d known the real price of my family’s salvation, and yours, I would have paid it willingly then. I would do anything at all for you now. And knowing that, do you think I’ll do nothing while you feel this horribly? Do you think I can rest while you break your own heart, and hate your mother to avenge me?”

“But I can’t just forget, Ivan. I can’t forgive her.”

“But I want you to. Your mother did a terrible thing, at terrible times, and she’s been punishing herself, eaten by guilt ever since. She has made up in every way possible for my family, and for yours. And she not only lost Alex, she feels it’s her fault. That is far more punishment that any mother should have to endure, no matter her crimes. Have mercy, moya dusha. Forgive her here...” He pressed his open palm to her heart, making her sob and burrow into his hardness and heat. “Pity her. And most of all, love her again. I need you to. I don’t want any anger or disappointment or bitterness to eat at the magnificent light and beauty inside you.”

Her tears stopped. There was such a thing as being moved beyond tears.

His smile became crooked. “I am being partially selfish here, since I’m the primary beneficiary of your light and beauty, the one who has the most to gain from it in the form of endless pleasure and fathomless love.”

She rose to look down on him, everything inside her capitulating. Loving him beyond endurance, she whispered, “You miracle of a man who loves me beyond my wildest imaginings no matter what. You avenging angel who will avenge anyone but yourself. Will you take me as your wife, Ivan? Will you let me have and hold you, love and cherish you, support and defend you, lose my mind over you and give my very soul to you, so that not even death will us part?”

He held her eyes in utmost solemnity. “I do.”

Before she could kiss him, he beat her to it. In seconds he had her arching beneath him, begging for his invasion. But he pulled back, poignancy and teasing a heady mixture in his eyes. “So when will you officially make an honest man out of me?”

And she did something an hour ago she’d thought she’d never do again. She giggled.

He really was a miracle. And a miracle worker.

Raining kisses on every part of him she could reach, she said, “As soon as you can get your scattered troops to regroup.”

As if he’d been coiled and waiting to launch into action, he sprang up, got out his phone, started barking orders for everyone to fall back into formation.

Half an hour later, he looked down at her in triumph. “As per your command, moya dusha, tomorrow you become Dr. Anastasia Konstantinov.”

Pulling him down over her, loving him fiercely, endlessly, she sighed into his lips. “Tomorrow, and forever.”

Before he claimed her, took them both back from the brush with devastation to their exclusive heaven, he pledged, “At least that long.”


“Forgive yourself, Grace.”

At his words, Anastasia’s mother turned to Ivan with a gasp.

She’d been subdued all through the wedding ceremony, and now during the reception she’d walked into a corner as if she wanted to disappear. Everyone thought her state was recurrent desolation over Alex’s loss, and Ivan and Anastasia let everyone believe that. The secret of what she’d done would never get outside the four who knew it.

“I forgive you,” he said. “And I do thank you for saving my family, for saving yours. But mostly for saving Anastasia. I would have forgiven you had you cost me all my limbs for this alone.” As the woman’s eyes filled, he persisted. “And I also want you to believe that Alex’s death wasn’t punishment for you, or else fate must have seen fit to punish me and everyone who l

oved him, too, since his death hurt us all irrevocably.”

As her tears fell, he reached for her arm, gave it a gentle squeeze. And she crumpled against him, too weak to do anything but accept his absolution, letting him take her in his embrace.

He pressed a kiss to her forehead, this woman who’d once been a second mother to him, the mother of the love of his life, the reason for everything he was and did.

“People in sweeping upheavals and grave dangers make terrible decisions. But whatever your sins against me, just that you’ve saved Anastasia, so I could find her so many years later, love her, live for her, evens the scales and way more. Anastasia loves you. It’s why she was so hurt. But I promise I’ll do everything to heal her so she will open up to you again. It’s what Alex would have wanted. For us all to be happy, to honor his memory. And in his memory, there will be no more losses and injuries. Never on my account, or on my watch.”

A choking sound made him turn around. And there she was, Anastasia, his bride, looking far better than his wildest fantasies. She was his reward from fate, with every blessing the world had to offer in her eyes.

They’d exchanged vows an hour ago, were now husband and wife. One. At last and forever.

He extended a hand to her, and she took it at once, let him reel her in so she faced her mother.

He pressed a cherishing kiss against her flushed cheek, murmured his love and encouragement. Returning the kiss, her eyes filling with that gratitude he’d yet to make her stop feeling, she turned to her mother.

“We’ll be all right, Mom. Thanks to Ivan.”