“Uh...not that I’m not delighted you think I’m wonderful, but that’s not how I...”

Again Rose bulldozed over her protests. “I tell Jeffrey all my secrets not because he’s my husband and soul mate, but because they might impact him, so he’s entitled to a heads-up. But if you really wanted him to know, and thought he should, as himself, not as a part of me or our team, you would have sat us both down and told us both all that. But you chose to tell only me.”

Isabella shook her head at the incredible combination her friend was. The most romantic person on earth who melted with love for her husband, and the most no-nonsense pragmatist around. And as she’d always known, the best, strongest, most dependable friend anyone could aspire to have. She always felt the fates had chosen to compensate her for all the hardships of her life with Rose. And now she’d unburdened herself to her, not to mention knowing her relationship to Richard and therefore to Mauri, she felt the uncanny bond they’d shared from the start had become even deeper.

“And you did because I’m your closest friend. We’re even closer than I thought. We both had our souls almost shattered by the same monster. And we both survived him.” Rose’s eyes shone with admiration. “Though I can’t begin to compare our ordeals at his hand. I didn’t fight for my life and that of my family for years like you did. I survived by accident.”

Isabella now knew that wasn’t true. Beyond escaping death in her family’s car crash, Rose’s survival had been no accident. She’d been saved. By Richard. He was the one who’d created her second chance in life. He was the real difference between their lives. She hadn’t had a savior and champion like him.

She couldn’t tell Rose that. The older brother who’d been looking out for her since she was ten didn’t want her to know.

But although she’d always thought he’d played the opposite role in her life, that of conqueror and almost destroyer, it was still him who’d rid her of Burton forever. That made him the one who’d given her this new lease on life.

“What about Mauri? Is he...?” Rose choked. She couldn’t even say Burton’s name.

“No. I would have never let myself get pregnant by him.”

But she had let herself get pregnant by Richard. When she’d discovered her pregnancy, even after he’d left, even knowing the danger she’d put herself in, she’d been giddy with delight that she’d have a part of him with her always.

So far, she’d risked it again. Four times, if she wanted to be accurate.

Rose’s voice dragged her out of her turbulent musings. “Whew. It’s a relief to know that monster didn’t manage to perpetuate his genes.”

Grabbing the opportunity to steer the conversation in a less-emotional direction, she pulled a face at Rose. “You should know me better than to think I’d inflict those on my child.”

Rose pounced, hugging the breath out of her before pulling back. “But you’re so amazing your genes would vaporize any dirt or perversion in any others. Mauri would have turned out to be the awesome kid he is just because you’re his mom.”

Feeling suddenly lighthearted, when she’d thought she’d never feel that way again after losing Richard for the second and last time, Isabella dragged Rose closer and smacked kisses on both her cheeks.

“Have I told you lately just how much I love you?”

Rose gave her a mock scolding glare. “When have you ever told me that?” When Isabella started to protest, Rose pulled her into another hug. “You never needed to tell me. I always knew. And I love you, too. Now more than ever.”

* * *

Isabella hadn’t expected to go home happy. But thanks to Rose, and to work, not to mention to Prince Charming Jeffrey, the day she’d predicted would be an endless pit of gloom had turned out to be the best she’d had in a couple of decades.

She didn’t expect her buoyant condition to continue, knew misery would descend on her more aggressively than it had the first time she’d lost Richard. Back then, there’d been distractions vying for her mental and emotional energy, fractioning her turmoil over him. Now, without anxieties consuming her focus, she’d experience the full measure of it.

There was another reason she was certain her despondency would only deepen. Before she’d met him again, she’d had this vague hope she’d find love again. She now knew this was an impossible prospect.

Richard would remain the one who could make her turn off the world and lose herself in his ecstasy. She didn’t want—couldn’t stomach—anything less than that. So now she knew. She’d spend the rest of her life as a mom, a daughter, a sister, a friend and a doctor. But the woman part of her was over. Only Richard had the secr

et code to this vital component of her being. And he was gone. Forever this time.

Turning onto her street, she shook herself. She was sliding again, and she owed it to Mauri and her family not to expose them to her dejection. She’d promised them a shining new beginning and she’d be damned if she didn’t deliver.

And then she had to count her blessings. She’d unburdened herself to Rose, their bond had become more profound, her family was safe, they loved their new home and she loved her new workplace. If she obsessed over Richard more than ever, if her body demanded its mate and master now that she could no longer swat her hunger away with hatred...tough.

She’d just mentally slapped some sense into herself when she saw it.

Richard’s car. Parked—again—in her spot.

Her heart followed the usual drill when it came to Richard. It crashed to a halt before bursting out in mad gallop, stumbling like a horse on ice.

She didn’t know how or where she ended up parking, or how she made it inside the house. The empty house. Where was everyone...?

Shouts burst from the kitchen. Her heart almost exploded from her chest as she burst into a run, then she heard...clapping. Clapping?