“Give it your best shot. Hard is my middle name.”

As she kicked herself for how lame and how reeking of innuendo that had come out, his lips twitched his enjoyment of her slipup.

Out loud, he only said, “I can assure you, you wouldn’t like it if I resorted to extreme measures.”

“What extreme measures? Are you threatening to off me?”

/> His eyes turned to slits opening into thunderclouds. “Don’t be daft.”

It again seemed to insult him she’d suggest he’d physically harm her. But she wasn’t falling yet again into the trap of seeing any measure of light in his darkness.

She twisted the strap of her purse around her hand until her fingers went numb. “I guess you don’t off people if you could at all help it. You don’t put people out of their misery. You didn’t even kill Burton, just consigned him to a worse hell than even I hoped for him.”

“Are you extrapolating what I did to him?”

“No, I know.” His eyebrows rose in astonishment-tinged curiosity, and she hugged herself against a shudder that took her by surprise. “I wasn’t a kingpin’s trophy wife for four years without cultivating methods and sources to navigate his world and to execute an escape plan when necessary.”

Heat entered his gaze again, this time tinged with...admiration? “Indeed. The way you wiped your history was a work of art. We must discuss said methods and sources at length sometime. It could be mutually beneficial to exchange notes on how we execute our deceptions.”

She watched his mesmerizing face, wondering how he made anything he said so...appealing to her on her most fundamental levels, logic, self-respect and even survival be damned.

The only explanation was that she was sick. She’d contracted a disease called Richard Graves. And it was either incurable or would have to be cured at the cost of her life.

She huffed in resignation. “Nothing I developed could be of use to you. Next to yours, my abilities are like an ape’s IQ to Einstein’s. And I use fraud only to survive. It’s a fundamental part of your career, of your character. Deceit is a preference to you, a pleasure. But you are right.”

He raised an eyebrow. “In my advice not to stall?”

“In supposing I’m extrapolating Burton’s fate at your hands. I know where you sent him, what that place is. But what is being done to him there?” She shook her head, the nausea she’d felt since he’d told her he was done intensifying. “Even after all I’ve seen in my life, my imagination isn’t twisted enough to conceive what your warped mind could devise, or what you’re capable of.”

His gaze fixed on her with a new kind of intensity as he put down his mug, straightened from the counter and prowled closer.

Feeling more exposed now that daylight gave her no place to hide, she forced herself to stand her ground. “If physical threats aren’t among your extreme measures, what then? If you think your previous warning of exposing me to Rose and Jeffrey stands, it doesn’t. I’m walking out of here and going straight to the practice to tell them everything.”

His ridiculing glance told her he didn’t believe her capable of doing that. Out loud he only taunted, “I’d still have dozens of ways to make you comply.”

“Why are you even asking me to do this?”

“I’m not asking you. I’m telling you.”

She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah...I got that already. You’re the man who says ‘jump’ and everyone hops in the air and freezes there until you say down. Quit marveling at your unstoppable powers. It got old after the first dozen times. So give me a straight answer already. It’s not as if you care about going easy on me, or about me at all.”

“Bloody hell, who am I kidding.” Without seeming to move closer, he was all over her. Before she could even gasp, he buried his face in her neck and groaned, “It was I who made a catastrophic mistake, Isabella. I’m not done. I’ll never be.”

Suffocating under the feel of him, the hard heat and perfection of him, with the mess of reactions he wrenched from her depths, she started struggling. “Let me go. Now.”

He only carried her off the ground. She opened her lips to blast him and he closed them with a mind-melting kiss, tasting her as if he couldn’t stop.

It was only when she went limp in his arms that he let her lips go, barely setting her back on her feet, pouring one final groan of enjoyment inside her.

“Got that out of your system?” She glared up at him, wishing her hatred could melt his flawless face off his skull.

“I just told you there is no getting you out of my system. So let’s not waste more time in posturing and theatrics. Let’s get past what I said to you earlier.”

“Just like that, huh?”

He squeezed her tighter. “It would be more time efficient. I already admitted to being a pillock and a tosser.”
