“As we are,” Numair repeated, something hot and overriding stirring in his chest.

He had his brothers, and they were an essential part of his being. But the tug of blood between him and Najeeb was something he’d never experienced, or expected to. Since the last trace of worry he could rival him for Jenan’s affection h

ad been erased, and now that Najeeb accepted him so readily, he let it sweep him.

He hated to spoil those moments of closeness, to tarnish the purity of Najeeb’s goodwill. But he had to tell him the rest.

“Making contact with my long-lost family wasn’t why I went to your father’s reception. Or why I came here.”

That again stunned Najeeb. “What else did you want?”

“To reclaim my birthright. And to exact vengeance.”

The light in Najeeb’s eyes went out. “Vengeance?”

“I believed your father had mine killed.”

To say Najeeb was shocked was like saying Numair slightly liked Jenan. Numair could feel his statement tearing through the other man’s very foundations.

Then shock gave way to adamant rejection, and Najeeb just said, “No.”

Before Numair could respond, a sound emptied his mind. That of the helicopter that had been bringing him Jenan for the past weeks. All but this last one.

He heaved up to his feet. “We’ll discuss this at length, Najeeb. But for now just stay here and wait for me.”

Before Najeeb could even blink, Numair ran out.

He had no idea how he’d send Jenan away without explaining why, but he couldn’t have her see Najeeb. The can of worms had been opened, but nothing had yet been resolved.

By the time he crossed the villa, she was already opening the front door. He rushed to intercept her, and she raised her gaze to him. What he saw in her eyes made him almost stumble.

She looked...bereft.

Forcing his legs to work, he reached her as she closed the door, and pulled her into his arms. “Is everyone all right?”

She nodded, but pushed out of his arms when she always clung.

At a loss what to make of her disturbing disposition, he said, “You didn’t tell me you were coming.”

Her eyes again rose to his, and they looked so wounded, foreboding pierced his heart. “You would have only found a way to escape seeing me. But don’t worry, I won’t stay where I’m no longer welcome.”

He gaped at her. “What?”

“You should have told me the truth the moment you realized it.”

Everything inside him stilled. Had she somehow found out the truth and it was too late to be the one to tell her? Was that the reaction he’d been dreading?

He finally choked out, “What truth?”

“That you no longer want me.”

This was literally the last thing he’d expected her to say. It hit him so hard, everything in his mind fractured.

“Jenan, this is insane...”

“Yes, it seems my name is quite apt. I must be insane to feel crushed now when you already told me what you wanted from the get-go. But you don’t want it from me anymore, and I’m here to tell you it’s your right to change your mind. But it isn’t your right to drag this out, to not just release me. If you think evading me is letting me down easy, it’s far more painful than if you’d just looked me in the eye and told me it’s over.”

Every word fell on him like a sledgehammer.