He cocked an eyebrow at her, wanting to see how far she’d go. “So you condone anything I choose to do to that man?”

Her lush lips hardened. “He’s no man. He’s a monster. And you and your brothers are monster slayers. I know whatever you choose to do to him will be the right thing to do.”

Joy swelled inside him as he pulled her closer again. “Have you told Teo our news?”

Her eyes drained of righteous wrath, flooded with shyness. “I didn’t ask if you wanted to let anyone know.”

Throwing his head back, he guffawed. “‘Anyone’ didn’t include those six huge pains who’ve been teasing the hell out of me all day with parenting jokes, huh?”

A fiery flush spread across her exquisite cheekbones. “I sort of let it slip to your trio of terror while I was milking them for info.” She mumbled something about poking his blabbing brothers with sharp objects when next she saw them. “And they ran with the news to the rest of the roster!”

“You’re pregnant?”

Teo’s explosive exclamation snapped their eyes to him, and he threw an arm around each of them, exalting, “I’m going to be a grandfather!”

Eliana kissed him soundly. “I know you’ve given up on the others and think I’m your only chance at grandbabies. But you’re not going to have o

nly one grandchild, but two.”

Surprise was now Teo’s only expression. “You’re having twins? Is it even possible to know that early?”

Eliana got Rafael’s silent consent before turning to her father. “We’re going to adopt Diego.”

Teo slumped back. “Any more monumental, life-changing surprises? Just pour them down on me all at once.”

Rafael chuckled again. “That’s enough for now.”

“More than enough for a lifetime.” Teo’s eyes filled. “If I die right this moment, I’ll be the happiest man on earth.”

Rafael gave him a mock-stern look. “Now, Teo, let’s not restart our relationship on the wrong foot. The happiest man on earth is me. Got that?”

“If you say so.” Teo gave the acquiescing sigh of a man who was letting a younger man think he had his way.

Laughing outright this time, Rafael swept his hugely grinning, teary-eyed bride up in his arms. “I do. Oh, how I do.”

* * *

“I certainly don’t!”

Ellie laughed as her eldest half brother, Leonardo, vehemently denied that he liked having those seminaked photos of him leaked online. They’d gone viral with half the globe’s females drooling over him and captioning them no end.

“All those straining muscles and the pouring sweat and provocative poses?” Santiago winked at them. Her middle half brother relished how his looks affected anything that moved, not like Leonardo, the scientist who wanted his brains to be his prominent feature. “No way those masterpieces were without your consent.”

“I was exercising,” Leonardo growled. “And since when are chest flies, squats and one-armed push-ups provocative poses?”

“Have you seen the photos, Leo?” Ellie giggled.

Leonardo harrumphed. “Phones with cameras and the internet will bring civilization to an end.”

“Just enjoy the notoriety, Leonardo. It’s harmless.” Rafael’s lips twisted. “I hope.”

Leonardo looked at him gratefully. “Thank you for recognizing the world is full of nuts.”

Suddenly worried, Ellie caught Leonardo’s forearm. “Did anyone do anything nutty?”

Leonardo rolled his eyes. “Apart from walking into the lecture hall and finding hearts and chocolate all over the counter or the collection of panties spirited into my briefcase with photos and phone numbers stuck on them? No.”

As they all laughed, Carlos, her youngest half brother, and her closest sibling slapped him on the back. “And you didn’t share your crop of panties with your brothers?”