He withdrew through the clinging ring that clamped him like a vise, then thrust back harder, tore through the rest of her innocence, felt the scald of her blood and submission gush around him, coating his shaft.

Her cries became pain mixed with exultation, ripping through him. They became whimpers of loss as he withdrew until only the head of his erection remained caught in her flesh. Then he powered his unbearably hard length back into her mind-blowing tightness and heat, forging a new path inside her. His alone. His only home.

Bending, he sealed her lips with his, swallowed her gusting breaths and tortured keens as her flesh began to yield to his shaft, sucking him into an inferno of sensation.

The carnality, the reality, the meaning of being inside her... It was too much. H

e needed to give his all to her, to lose himself inside her, to pierce her essence and consume her.

He glided out of her tightness, pummeled back just as she pumped up, impaling herself further on his erection. Pleasure detonated, almost blew out his arteries.

“Eliana—there can’t be pleasure like this, there can’t be. Take it all, Eliana, give it all to me....”


She crushed herself against him, catapulting him into a frenzy. He pounded into her now, building in force and cadence, had her voluptuous breasts jiggling beneath him, her trembling legs spreading wider as her core poured more welcome over him.

The heat, the friction escalated until he sensed the heart thundering beneath his might burst with need for release.

Tilting her hips, he angled himself, still unable to sink inside her to the root through the tightness of her untried body. But he adjusted his position, seeking her inner triggers to ignite her release. Until he did.

Shrieking, she shattered around him, her flesh wringing his shaft with convulsions, the flood of her release razing him, its current snapping his sanity.

He detonated inside her, streams of ecstasy scalding through his length, pouring into her womb, his seed mixing with her pleasure in jet after jet of pure culmination.

Everything started to vanish. Only Eliana remained, her being and flesh melting into his....

* * *

Rafael came to with a gasp.

As his senses flickered back, he realized he’d lost consciousness...for the first time in his life. The discharge of fright and craving had been that brutal. It hadn’t been a sudden blackout, but a descent into a realm where he’d merged with Eliana on every fundamental level there was.

He lifted his weight from her cushioning softness on shaking arms. She came to only when he moved, her core involuntarily clutching the hardness that hadn’t subsided a bit, dragging a groan of pleasure from his depths.

Her eyes fluttered open and he saw how red and puffy they were, and the memory of her ordeal twisted his gut.

But when her lips spread into such a smile, as if she’d discovered an exclusive secret, her eyes growing heavy with such fulfillment, it made him feel like thumping his chest.

The next second, the bite of shame at the ferocity with which he’d initiated her doused his self-satisfaction.

She whimpered as he began to pull out. “Stay inside me.”

He stilled. “You must be sore.”

“Oh, I am...magnificently so.” Her silky legs caressed his sides, her heels digging into his buttocks, driving him back inside her. “If I knew just how incredible it would be to be ravished by you, I would have found a way to make you do it to me before. As it was, it took a near-fatal accident to break your resolve.” Her eyes darkened before she made an effort to brighten them. “Being an overachiever in everything, you went and knocked me out with too much pleasure.”

Heart quivering with the enormity of everything that had happened in the past several hours, he said, “You knocked me out, too, and I don’t even have your excuse of being a novice.”

Her eyes widened. “I did?”

“Indeed. I blinked out for the very first time in my life. I never have, even when I got punched square in the face. Richard used to say I have something in my head that doesn’t cut out. It took you to KO me.”

Her look of delight and smugness was worthy of a hundred portraits. It had a chuckle bursting on his lips as his heart expanded with gratitude. That she existed, was whole, and was his—in every way now.

Debilitated with relief, he rolled onto his back, taking her with him, staying inside her as she’d demanded. She enveloped him in intimacy, her hair gleaming waves of silk strewn over his chest.

He traced the exquisite profile pressed over his heart, the velvet limbs entangled with his. Dismay surged again at her bruises, at how much worse it could have been.